Yup. Close to 3000 and time to throw a little party for our favorite Elephant Wrangler.
See, I was trying to think of a title that would be full of innuendo, one that would titillate, make you want to check it out. I mean, he did it for me and it got probably what will end up being the highest view-to-post ratio ever!
However, I realized all I had to do was put his name. I know at least every DoperChick will check it out.
So, since his auspicious beginnings here, he has never ceased to amuse, educate, and titillate.
Wearer of [Hawaiian shirts](http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?threadid=82380#post 1522078), former Marine, engineer,attender of Dope fests, soon-to-be kilt-wearing man at OhDope. How can I possibly begin to elaborate on his greatness?
And the flirting? Good lord, I’d make the Board crash if I tried to list out all the times he’s flirted with DoperChicks. And he’s good at it too! :eek: Scary good!
He’s endeared himself to practically every female on this Board that’s met him at DopeFests through his kindness, gentlemanliness, and his powerful ability to make you mush through massage and endeared himself to the men by just being an all-around great guy.
So let the laudatory posts roll!
:snaps little pointed party hat on ts and blows party noise maker: