This Could Have Been Romney's Big Weekend...

Yep, this could have been Mitt’s big weekend of fun and frolic before that first day in office when he would have slashed and burned through lots of things.

Let’s just say that I am quite grateful how thing turned out and can only imagine the grief I would be feeling right now if things had turned out differently.

I am sure there are many who are not exactly thrilled to see Obama going for his second term, but oddly there doesn’t seem to be all that much sorrow and sympathy for Mitt by many Republicans today…they seemed rather quick to blame him for everything and throw him under the bus. I doubt he is getting many sympathy calls and requests to give it another go next time around.

That’s what happens when you represent a bunch of psychopaths and wannabee psychopaths; he failed, he’s of no use to them anymore, so he’s discarded.

Ann is still crying her eyes out, though. “That negro woman should have been ME! MY new haircut should be in the front pages today!! WAHHH!”

How many times has any losing Presidential candidate been urged to run again?

More accurate: Romney was not particularly well-liked or trusted by his own party, so they regret him little, they wish the Republicans had won, a lot more than they wish he had won.

I’ve never felt a half second sympathy for any Presidential candidates or any politician at the national level. They’re all usually extremely wealthy, successful men. In Romney’s case he’s worth almost a quarter billion dollars, has a large and happy family and has enjoyed success by most measures for most of his life and was born into a rich family. What exactly are we feeling sorry for him for? That he lost a race to become the world’s most powerful man? I’m sorry but that’s not really a goal where if you miss the mark you’re like the unmarried mother of three kids who loses all of her money on final jeopardy. It’s more like a guy already living in the fanciest condo building in town losing a bid to buy the penthouse in his building.

Even the politicians who aren’t as well off as Romney in family and money can usually write their own ticket once they are out of the public eye. Romney is on the board of Marriott now making $60,000 a year (absolutely nothing to him, but the job entails virtually no work and probably 95% of Americans would love to have a $60k/year job that requires almost no time and would allow you to work numerous other similar jobs concurrently), and that’s just the most notable thing I’ve heard about him since the election, it wouldn’t surprise me if he’s already on more corporate boards.

Quite often before the TV age. Off the top of my head there’s Aldai Stevenson, William Jennings Bryan, Eugene Debs, and Grover Cleveland.



Gore probably could’ve run again in '04, though that’s sort of a special case.

Old Mitt’s safe at home alone with his tax returns now. We dodged a bullet in '12, God knows the refuse we’ll have to sift through in '16.

There were a lot of people who wanted to see Gore run in both 2004 and 2008. Particularly notable because, historically, the Democratic Party has not been kind to retreads.

Don’t worry, I’m sure that plans are already being drawn up to find the next billionaire or relative of a previous President. Gotta rebuild that nobility class, donchaknow.

But if Romney had been inaugurated this week, our pizzas would cost fifteen cents less.

Only if you eat shitty pizza.

I’m still waiting for Peyton Manning to deliver my free one.

Tragically, Obamacare is such a burden to Papa John’s that your pizza is being delivered by Kyle Orton.

Take heart, though: my pizza was delivered by Trent Dilfer, riding on the back of Ray Lewis. :frowning:

At least twice.

Such a clever man… :smiley:

As a Washingtonian of sorts I feel it’s my duty to inform you that Gov. Romney, on his recent visit to the nation’s capitol, denied having run for President last year, saying ‘What humiliating defeat? I retroactively bowed out gracefully during the GOP primaries!’.