do you often have to put up with a guy in the office who, though in the same pay bracket as you, seems to be doing better, looks better-fed, seems better-off, and loves to remind you of it? think of that other tongue cleaner who likes to chide oscar in shark’s tale, or an officemate flanders (in lieu of the next-door neighbor?)
Yes, of course. I think they’re called “single” or “childless.”
not necessarily different from you in terms of status. it’s like they exist just to remind you how much of a loser you are.
We have a neighbor we call Mr. “Single Income No Anybody”. On a street full of families, there’s one sports car. One big satellite dish. One hot tub. One Wall-Sized Television.
He’s a great guy… it’s just that the other dads (bending their rabbit ears to try to pick up a fifth channel) get a little jealous.
bo-lan! The bo-lander! bo-lamadama-ding dong! bo-tie! bo-and-luke! the bo-ster! …
sorry, i’m from a different part of the world (but i detect hearty jest.)
Yes, and I wonder what kind of debt the guy must be carrying to live like that (cruises every year, brand new vehicle, house way too big for his family, etc)