This immediately made me think of lieu..

This email I got immeditely made me think of lieu. I must have an immature sense of humor, if this email I received from my sister yesterday caused me to laugh out loud for a few minutes when I read it:

No, you do NOT want to know why my sister thought it would be more applicable to me if it were called “How To Take A Dump in Public Places” (!!!) :eek: Certainly not in the middle of Robson Street with crowds of people shopping… I suggested that to her, and she thought it was yucky. True, but she (of all the people) would appreciate the weird humor inherent in dropping your pants, mooning everyone, and then… well, I won’t go on because I’m laughing too hard. (see above statement about an immature sense of humor)

Note: Neither she nor I have done the aforementioned “pooping in the middle of Robson Street” … just for your information.


Mama would be so proud.