This is an ex-puter!

(With a nod to “Monty Python” …)

Ladies and gentlemen, my beloved computer is now deceased. It fought valiantly against a virus, but alas, the virus won out. Right now my 'puter wouldn’t boot if you put four million volts through it. It’s officially dead.

“No no!” you say. “It’s pining!”

Well I tell you that it’s not pining! It’s passed on! This ‘puter is no more! It has ceased to be! It’s expired and gone to meet its programmer! It’s a stiff! Bereft of power, it rests in peace! If I hadn’t weighted it to the desk it’d be pushing up daisies! Its internal memory is now history! It’s off the twig! It’s kicked the bucket, it’s shuffled off its mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin’ choir invisible! THIS IS AN EX-PUTER!

Anyway, Pollo Boyo is going to work on the computer this weekend to see if he can rebuild it. (“We have the technology. It’ll be better, stronger, faster …”) In the meantime, I’ll have to use the computers here at school to write my take-home finals. Should be lots of fun. :rolleyes:

:: sigh:: I miss my 'puter already. :frowning:

Me too.

My work laptop, with months of accumulated work and non-work software and data, packed it in unexpectedly this morning. Fine one minute, then … it just died. Rebooting led to the hard drive sounding like an asthmatic dog that had just swallowed a hairdryer, and the screen flashed up some lovely corrupt text before informing me that all data, program and system files and folders were damaged. Before Technical Services could say, “Have you tried rebooting?” the hard drive gave up the ghost and I’m left with a battered old replacement PC with somebody else’s mail templates and data that doesn’t sound too healthy itself.

I feel for you, laydbug.

I recently had the same thing happen to my PC at work. It was down for a week while I was trying to diagnose it and re-build it. What a pain! The kicker on this was that just before I got hit, I had updated my virus protection. I guess it just goes to show you that not any one anti-virus program is 100%.

It’s getting betta…

The 'puters running again. Mostly. Switched out the hard drive for a 20 gig that I had waiting for my parents. (Like I’m gonna leave my favorite tento-sib in the ditch…)

Anyone know where I can find a driver for a Rockwell hardware modem? (Not a winModem, something with a chip of its own…)

Try their website. The must have one.

There’s a site somewhere that I used to download several drivers a couple of years ago. I’ll see if I can find the link again. IIRC, I just typed “Drivers” in the search engine to find it origionaly.

And in the “next best thing” category, CompUSA often has super cheap modems (mostly the PCI variety) if you look hard enough. IIRC, they had a nice generic 56K for $5 before taxes. YMMV, of course.
Good luck!

I have almost always been able to find what I am looking for on You may also wat to try or

I hope this helps.

ACK! It’s contagious! Dragwyr and mattk, I hope you’ve fixed your computer problems. That’s horrible to lose everything.

Thanks to everyone who helped out with finding the driver for the modem. :slight_smile: I’m happy to report that thanks to Chicken Boy, my computer is finally running. It’s got almost nothing on it right now because he installed a brand new hard drive, but it’s working. Which means I won’t have to suffer in the school computer lab after all.

:: does the “My-puter’s-working Happy Dance”[sup]TM[/sup] ::