This is what the product would be if Jack Chick wrote Ziggy.

Not necessarily. Or haven’t you heard of Arian views of Jesus?

ok, I need more help on number 3, aren’t cats the only domestic animal not mentioned in the Bible?

Y’know, just from reading the comics, I can’t tell if the author subscribes to evolution or creationism. (Well, Homebrew’s link makes it a bit more clear, but that could just be satire.)

These are just baffling. Is there some sort of bizarre brain rotation necessary to get them? Some are illustrated sound bites as far as I can tell but most are like something you might over hear in a conversation but cleaned up in terms of “uhs”, false starts and the like. They seem just relentlessly mundane.

Answers In Genesis is a “legit” organization - by that I mean, this isn’t a parody. They scare me though.

I’m curious as to what this guy thinks the ark DID look like.

They aren’t scary in the same way as Jack Chick (who seems genuinely unhinged) - they are just lame pieces of silly rhetoric.

They are ripe for parody though; how about one with Mr and Mrs Noah about to board the ark, with him saying “Don’t worry, we only have to shovel seventeen tons of shit per day for the next year”

An inadvertantly apt title for one of them: Not even close to good.

You said it, buddy!



I can warn the crowds of water but I can’t make them think.

And I never knew that Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden for eating a giant forbidden gene-manipulated blackberry.

Most informative!

Or is it a loganberry?

The author also does something called “CreationWise,” which he describes as his “hit 'em between the eyes” sermon-comic, as opposed to the humor (?) of the one panel stuff.

Somehow, I don’t think he caught the alternative meaning to this strip.

Hey! don’t point that thing at me!

Looks like Jesus is gettin’ a little nubbin’.

I love the fact that God uses charts and graphs to explain humanity to Noah. Perhaps he shoulda used powerpoint or a pie chart to save the rest of humanity.

Skip you need to get up here and clean my monitor off. That’s bad. Thanks.

Oh man…wow, just wow.

Love the sword one, way to preach a religion of ‘love’ and ‘peace’

I am inexplicably drawn to this drivel.

But I did find another where he is right but doesn’t know it.

Some show him to be absolutely clueless.

Ahhhhh! inane animation

I wonder if I can get the cell phone one as a tshirt. That’s just freakin’ hilarious!

Release the tiger!

No, it is a class ‘M’ planet, so it is a roddenberry.

This one shows dinosaurs getting onto the ark. What happened to them? Or did they piss off God enough that he wacked them all?