This just makes me want to grab my rifle and climb a tower

Scylla, you carry the duffel with the rifles, I’ll get the ammo cans.

Bees. Cool.

My firewall won’t let me look at the Doritos.

I take instruction well, and I initially thought there was something else to the site. To the right is a picture of an attractive young lass, and when you press the button on the left, for a moment in the Flash animation it says “ENTER HER”.

I didn’t want to take my gun to the tower frankly. I wanter to follow instruction further. But maybe that’s just because I’m a big ol’ pervert.

“Grab a rifle and climb a tower.” really shows our age.

Sometimes when I want to act younger I use the old tried and true…

“I am going to go postal”

I think kids these days are using… well I do not know what they are using… but I suspect it will have something to do with Columbine.

You get a much better angle from a tower.

Shouldn’t eat so many Doritos.

Yeah. And it’s harder for the SWAT teams to draw a bead on ya.

You don’t happen so see a flaming car with a child in it from up there, do you?

While I am always up for giving the M1A a workout, you do realize that when the toes are tagged and the dust has settled, people are going to laugh, right?

No… you’re not nuts, You’re just too sensitive. I’ve seen you curse yourself and fume in past threads when you destroyed the delicate balance of a pithy little joke you launched on a graceful arc into an exchange, only to have it belly flop because of misspelled word.

But those were simply accidents. This is a deliberate crippling of light humor because of fear. This fear is petty and contemptible, but these are people that make corn snacks. The corporate task is so mundane it gives small minds and gnawing fears an open field in which to play, and issue idiotic, jarring disclaimers that crap the trousers of this poor little joke.

You are entitled to rage. It’s a squalid thing for the Dorito’s people to do, but in the end you’ve got to move on.

  1. What kind of rifle are you going to use? - I have gathered from previous threads that you think you are a pretty good shot. Hunters that want to up the difficulty for a bigger challenge often switch over to a black powder rifle. I think you should use a flintlock (vintage) for sport value.
  2. You need something to wear. Camoflauge is SO cliche - These people have the perfect thing. Scroll down to the third picture.
  3. You need to pick a tower to shoot from - I think this one will be perfect.

I think this is just about the funniest thing I have ever read. Ever. That is all.


Perhaps you should consider a hobby.

Have you ever tried macramé?

I wonder if there’ll be the day you need a permit to buy rope because of accidental hangings?

Too bad the Vice President for IT didn’t chime in with the need for future expandability of the 8-bit chip… :smiley:

Which says relatively little about how stupid consumers are, and a whole lot about how stupid lawyers are.

One is reminded of the short lived cartoon duo Shnookums & Meat, whose wide-awake marketing team decided to tie them in with a spaghetti-in-a-can product that contained no actual meat. The resulting small-print disclaimer ran to nearly a paragraph. They’d have been better off naming it “Shnookums, Meat, & Counsel.”

Beautiful, wonder and wacky.
I love finding a fun thread right before bed. :slight_smile:

No, no, no. You see, they have already gotten to his recon apparatus as his OP proved a while back. The blimp has already proven disloyal and is NOT to be trusted.

Scylla, I’ll head down with my M1 and hollow points to help out if needed.

Dear Miss Manners: What is the proper way to eat potato chips?
Gentle Reader: With a knife and fork. A fruit knife and an oyster fork, in fact. Good heavens, what is this world coming to? Miss Manners does not mind giving advice on the finer points of gracious living, but she feels that anyone without the sense to pick up a potato chip and stuff it in their mouth should probably not be running around loose on the streets.

I cannot believe no one else has posted this. You are all getting slack!

It really is all about the Pentiums!

Is that only chips, or does it include pretzel bits? Y’know, following up on Reeder, since our CinC was almost taken down by his snacks back at the start fo his term… :wink:

And boy am I thankful that the blimp is out of commission. I would not want him on a tower AND with air support…