Those new Doritos Rollitos

The ad on TV says that these new Doritos Rollitos are “All your favorite nacho chip flavor, rolled up to make it way easier to eat!”

How were Doritos difficult to eat before? They’re CHIPS, people!

I’m all for the development of new products to keep people interested, but marketing them as easier to eat than chips is just weird. How dumb do they think we are?

That said, I know I’ll get suckered into buying some next time I’m walking by the chip section, just to see if they really are easier…

maybe they think our mouths look like this :eek:

Perhaps they are still getting complaints from people, who have had these most savory and delightful chips, about said chips javelin-ing themselves into tender mouth surfaces. Didja’ notice several years ago that the sharp vertices of the chips had become rounded? Ever ask yourself why? It really can ruin your day when the roof of your mouth gets punctured. Kinda’ like slingshotting pencils into pressed-paper acoustical tiles[as SOME miscreants used to do in my far-off school days] Having these babies all rolled up cuts the puncture quotient way down. Which is why I can’t understand what happened to 3-D Doritos. Smoother corners, same great taste, and the added gamesmanship of using your tongue to cleave them in twain. Maybe there’s a black market on them. I think the company lawyers came up with the new concept.

I think the Rollitos ALSO need to be individually packaged to cut down on possible spillage.

…and they should be packaged with some sort of automatic dispensing device. You might get a paper cut reaching into the bag.

Ummmm well they really aren’t difficult to eat, but I invariably get a scratch somewhere inside my mouth every time I have some doritos. So I will probably be buying rollitos, just because doritos hurt. :o

that’s the fun of them. :cool:

I’m suspicious about Rollitos just because they pronounce them “Roll-itos” when it seems like it should be “Roy-itos.” It’s like they’re trying to assimilate a language for marketing purposes without bothering to learn anything about it.

Yeah, I’m nit-picking, but I reserve the right to not buy something for my own stupid and mundane reasons. :wink:

But the scratches are due to sharp chip pieces that are made when you bite into the chip. Since you’d be chewing these Rollitos (I hope!) you would likely get sharp bits anyway. Unless the secret rolling technology has made the chip more crumbly, but then the chips would probably disintegrate in the bag and you’d end up with handfuls of Dorito dust instead.

When I was approximately 10 years old, the snack food industry was experimenting with chip-like snacks that were made by extruding odd shapes into molds, then deep-frying them. The first I recall seeing advertized were Corn Diggers, Bugles, and one other product I can’t remember the name of, all by the same manufacturer (Nabisco, IIRC). Of these, I think only Bugles have survived to the present day. There were several of this type from other companies as well, most of them proto-Pringles made of deep-fried mashed potatoes. Only Bugles seems to have survived the Darwinian pressure of the marketplace.

Not many years ago, the technology to create closed tubes of fried stuff with cheese filling allowed some corporation to introduce Combos. They were originally available in a variety of types & flavors (my fave was peanut butter & cracker) but they seem to have eliminated all the cracker varieties except cheddar cheese. The pretzel ones are still being weeded down, and are available with a variety of different cheeze fillings. I don’t like the pretzel ones – it’s too much like eating small segments of PVC stuffed with cheese.

I suspect that Rollitos is just another Frito-Lay junior executive’s bid for exploiting/creating a “new” market. Time will tell if this new form of tortilla chip will prove popular enough to elbow aside the competition and form a permanent home in the pantheon of snack foods.


They could just run them through a big blender, mix them with water and sell them in convenient squeeze tubes. Muuuch easier to eat.

Having never seen the ads for these, I bought them on impulse a couple of weeks ago. I was very disappointed that they tasted exactly like Regular Doritos.

I thought they might be good for piping some kind of filling into though, if one wanted to take the time.

I was thinking more along the lines of a Gatling Gun.


OK, I bought them – once. They were on sale!

I envision an entire grocery store with aisles and aisles of nothing but chips. We’ll call it “Chip Craver’s Corner” and watch the money roll in. :smiley:

It’s the Anti-Atkins diet!