So what’s everyone’s take on how Survivor II will be?
People know what needs to be done to win, what types of challenges there could be, not to trust anyone, not to betray anyone, ration food and, in a pinch, eat rats.
I think the dynamics will change when the second batch of people are in Austrailia. The final four this time ended up being everyone in the alliance. Does that mean everyone will want to join an alliance next time and do you think that will make it more exciting or more predictable?
I sort of compare it to the Real World–the first group didn’t know what to expect, so it was edgier. Will it be the same with Survivor the Sequel?
On second thought, I started this thread as a jab to Revtim, but if it turns into an actual discussion, please move it to the appropriate forum.
I really am interested in what people have to say about this.
I predict that Survivor II will do poorly in the ratings and will be yanked after only 6 episodes. The novelty’s worn off, it was a “Summer of 2000” thing, mainly because there’s been absolutely nothing worth seeing at the movies, so people stayed home and watched TV. Also there wasn’t much else to talk about in the news, no O.J. or Monica or Elian.
But now it’s Back to School time, and if they think they’re gonna have a repeat with II, they’re in for a surprise, I think.
I tend to agree with you there. The Millionaire craze started dying out as soon as the first couple of people won a million.
Maybe Survivor 2, 3, 4…will get less and less viewers each time. I would like to see it remain as exciting, but you’re right about it being summer. There’s nothing but reruns right now. The next Survivor will debut after the Superbowl. That’s an interesting time to start a new one. They ought to just stick with showing them during the summer.
I wouldn’t be too sure that Surivor II will bomb. The single most important factor will be who they choose to put on the show. Survivor had an interesting mix of characters that offered a little something for everyone. If the second show’s characters are any good, the ratings might be even stronger than those for the first show. Remember, Millionaire debuted last summer, was a huge ratings success, and became even more successful when it came back.
Sure-fire ways to guarantee that Survivor II will be a hit:
- Cast Rudy (he actually applied)
- Encourage cannibalism and mutilation
- Make the reward challenges more compelling
“Yesterday, we poisoned your drinking water”
“Today’s prize? The antidote”