… Would be the screams of 16 lucky contestants right about now.
I was wondering if anyone knows what is going on with the show? Have they picked the new 16 Survivors? I hear they are supposed to start filming this month. Any Goss?
… Would be the screams of 16 lucky contestants right about now.
I was wondering if anyone knows what is going on with the show? Have they picked the new 16 Survivors? I hear they are supposed to start filming this month. Any Goss?
Sorry, I have no goss.
That was a really mean subject heading MadHatter. :mad: Bad Hatter! Bad!
You tricked me into betraying my pathetic Survivor addiction. I rushed into the discussion, eager to be the first to suck up to you and tell people “I knew him when…”
::stomps away huffily::
When I saw the title, I though I might actually watch a couple of minutes of the second one. Guess not, though.
Yeah, that’s what I was thinking, too!
Why the hell would anyone volunteer for “Survivor?” I’m sorry, a million bucks is not enough for what they put you through.
Now, I would love to be on the next “Big Brother,” though it was such a huge flop there won’t BE a next one. Like Eddie the Mook, I’d go in with a Strategy. But a Fun One. Develop a Character. Dress amusingly. Barrage everyone with witty, Noel Coward repartee. Become a “TV Character” the TV viewers wouldn’t want to vote out.
The problem with the recent cast (well, one of the many problems) is they didn’t realize they were supposed to be “characters on a TV show.” Have fun with it, but not in a creepy, demented George way!
I hope they have plenty of “Rat Helper.”