This year's Halloween costume

Ok, it is the time of year where I start thinking of halloween costumes. Last year I made a vampiress, a mermaid, a jester, and a dragon, all of which went over really well.

My general rules are that it has to be something I can sew. I am willing to do costumes that require infrastructure such as a hooped skirt or high fairytale collar, but not paper maché. It can be from a book, but not a movie or cartoon. For example I did a Dorothy costume because we had read the book. I refuse to to Tom & Jerry. It should be easily recognizable to the middle aged. The mermaid costume was great because it was instantly recognizable but not mistakable for the Disney version of mermaid. This year she is leaning toward vampire, but not really committed. Any ideas?

And most important, if you are making a costume, what are you making?

It is not clear whether you are making this costume for yourself or for a child. Assuming the latter, I think anything is fine as long as you don’t dress up a ten-year old girl as a whore. ( I was happy to see last year that there was a decided decrease in such costumes as compared to the year before. ) I’ve always been most impressed by the childen who come dressed as things: a box of cereal, a cell phone, etc. I suspect it’s more work, but it is different.

If I have somewhere to go, I am thinking of rigging a camera and screen to make it appear as if I have a bloody hole going through me. I have had several stomach operations, so anyone who knows me will get the joke.

But I haven’t been invited to a Halloween party in years.

I tend towards abstraction, myself. This year I’m going to be the Principal of Superposition, and I’ve also done Vacuum Energy, the Northern Lights, the constellation Orion, and the set containing Chronos.

I can picture this; lol :wink:

Chronos - how did you do Vacuum Energy?

My current idea is to make steampunk Starfleet uniforms for myself and my gf.

My favorite Halloween costume was Joan of Arc burning at the stake. I used a long cardboard tube and lots of sparkley orange and red material to create the stake and the flames, and tied it to my back. I love having fun with historical costumes.

Any costume ideas for a pregnant lady? I’ll be about 8 months along at Halloween…

I might just have to use that Orion idea.

Nun. Always a nun.

Or a pumpkin. Or beachball.

Christmas pixie! I’m basically just wearing tree decorations.

Got any female friends also willing to dress up? If you get 4-5 others, go as the various Madonnas (the singer). Pregnant Madonna, pointy-boob Madonna, Material Girl Madonna, etc.

Or various Britneys. Same idea.

I suppose your kids are too young to dress them up as Snookie?

Dunno how he did it, but I bet it sucked.

They’re probably too tall.

I was going to tape some wires to my chest and go as a snitch.

Paint your face orange and go as John Boehner.

I’m planning a happy birthday hat and noisemaker, and attach a lot of tea bags to my outfit - going as a tea partier.

Unless I think of something better.

I was thinking about maybe being an angel this year? Or more probable, I’ll dust off last year’s costume, because I will procrastinate, and the stores will be out of anything good by the time I get around to buying something.