Thought for the day

The liar at any rate recognizes that recreation, not instruction, is the aim of conversation, and is a far more civilized being than the blockhead who loudly expresses his disbelief in a story which is told simply for the amusement of the company. (Oscar Wilde)

The face of a child can say so much…

Especially the mouth part of the face.

(Jack Handy.)

Nostalgia is the rust of the mind.

Heard this the other day, but did not catch who said it.

Forgive quickly.

Kiss slowly.

A person is only what they are.

-A very drunk friend.

“I’ve never hit a woman and I’ll never do it again.”

– Some Ex-employee

BCS stands for “Best at Choosing Second”

If it weren’t for my horse, I never would’ve spent that year in college.

-Lewis Black

Never laugh at another man’s dreams.

“A squirrel, some duct tape, and a 350hp Mercury boat engine. Imagine the possibilities.”

  • a very stoned friend

One can always find something to complain about. However, stand that statement on its head and one can always find something to be happy about.

Keep your old love letters, throw away your old bank statements.

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.

Hope is the thing with feathers. The thing without feathers is my brother-in-law.

(Woody Allen)

Naive you are
if you believe
life favours those
who aren’t naive.

Piet Hein

“Your hands are on my tits.”

–A girl at a dance I went to once, to me. I was in a slightly altered state of mind (she didn’t know) and as a result I had no idea where her breasts were at the time. (I was behind her, so it’s not quite as bad as it sounds.) (And yes, we were just dancing.

In America, the electoral process is drowning in commercial techniques. We may circle back to a process as unconcerned with qualifications as that which made Darius king of Persia: He whose horse first neighed at sunrise should be king. (Barbara Tuchman)

That wouldn’t by chance be a reference to Twiggy, would it?