Thread-ending posts

So, I thought it would be funny (and encourage others) to run Osama Bin Laden’s name through an anagram server for this thread. Surely others would find more humorous examples!

Instead, lo these past six days, the thread is as limp as, well, something limp. I wondered at first, “What gives?”, but now I wonder what other people’s thread-killing posts have been. Not anything that got them banned, or the thread locked, but just ones that threw a dose of cold water on a raging fire.

I think this one is funny. One day, lo these many months ago, my 3-day old self wandered into a very promising thread.
Oooh, I thought, look at all the shiny fun people at play in here! I want me some of this action! So I jumped in, but all I could think of to post was a correction of a minor mistake that iampunha made. Shazam! Instant thread death. This was, of course, very damaging to my precarious newbie ego. So a day later I went back, posted an apology, and begged that the thread resume its former glory. It died AGAIN. Then, some days later, godblezzit if Esprix doesn’t revive the damn thing, and the party continues a little longer, with no mention from anyone of my big 'ol faux pas right in the middle. Damn, I felt like an ass.

Come on, this was The Gay/Lesbian Movie Drinking Game! You mean to tell me that thread died a natural death?

Hmm. A most interesting query,
From our very own “Bad” luminary:
What kind of post
Is sure to molost,
a thread permanent or temporary?

OH dear…I seem to have killed this one as well

well, nothing to add, but for your sake bdgr;


now i’ve killed it. or whoever has something worthwhile to add has.


i just read your thread. that was insensitive and now i have that sinking feeling…
i’m really sorry about that bdgr…

The only thread I remember killing in recent memory was this lovely little scrawl which abruptly ended after I brought Satanism, zoophilia and bestiality into the discussion. :stuck_out_tongue:

Last year I killed a thread so hard that it not only god locked and earned me a warn, but got deleted too !!!

It was about Pit Bulls, and oh it was a pip ! ( Or, a Pit… :smiley: )

Sorry, no link since it no longer exists.


Way back in May I killed this thread, until someone revived it 4 months later, then I killed it AGAIN! Well technically, it struggeled on for one more post, but I really don’t think Shelbo should get the credit. After all, it was obvious that it was I that had mortally wounded it. :wink:

Maybe I should practice my technique more?

I seem to kill my own threads by thanking people for their trouble, when they try to answer my question. LOL

Anywayz; this is one more for your thread. :slight_smile:

Thread killers of the SDMB Unite!!

[sub](I started out as a thread-killer … and still I do my evil magic upon the cool and unsuspecting … heh, heh, heh …)[/sub]

I’m determined to be the one to kill this thread. It’s my special SDMB Talent[sup]tm[/sup].

Does your talent always work?

I always manage to be offtopic enough to kill any thread. On any BB. SFN, BABB, SDMB. They hate me =(

On another topic (what a great way to kill a thread) isn’t it disappointing when you work up a GREAT flame and the flamee ignores you? SCREAM

There’s one of those Internet laws (I think it originated on Usenet) which goes something like:

The law has a name (named after the guy who made it, I think he’s one of the founders of the EFF) but it evades me now…

Godwin’s Law?

Well, I’m very good at killing threads, so I’d better get in on a piece of this action.

Here is how I often kill threads:

(1) Readers fall asleep during my rambling, unable to hang on until I actually make a point. They wake up disoriented, forget where they were, and head off to Cafe Society to write a movie review.

(2) I discover a thread a good 12 hours after everyone has already gotten tired of its content but dangit, I simply must add my $.02 anyway!

(3) I post something that I think is a witty or interesting addition to the discussion, but that comes off to others as a pointless and abjectly ridiculous hijack which they refuse to honor by replying to it.

Most of the time, however, I tell myself that I was just so thorough, so well-reasoned, and so logical that no one could possible add anything else. Self-delusion is a very helpful thing for the thread-killer’s ego. Trust me on that one.

Ha ha ha LOL! I’ll remember that! :slight_smile:

Of course, as I learned from experience, as soon as you post a thread complaining about your talent for killing other threads…it turns into a threadkilling contest.