I like white chocolate. Don’t you?
Especially in brownies
Big “Yes” here.
For some reason people think that’s weird.
Ain’t got no chocolate in it, though. Just fat, vanilla and sugar. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t taste good in a white chocolate chip/macadamia nut cookie.
Does anyone have hubcaps for a 1977 Chevy Vega?
I usually don’t like much white chocolate, but I do like the white mixed with milk chocolate. and no sorry I don’t have any hub caps for your Vega. I’ve got lots of Motorcycle license plates though.
It’s okay. But it really needs to get a new name. White Chocolate is way too misleading. Try “Chocolate Substitute.” That way people will think it is healthier and more prone to eat it.
Also, white chocolate covered pretzels are rather tasty. But it can create a bigger mess on your hands than normal chocolate.
My wise-assedness has seemed to have given birth to the most confusing and utterly useless thread in the history of electrons.
I wonder what white chocolate cover hub caps taste like.
Oh sure. White chocolate covered pretzels are good. But do you know what else are good? Aardvarks.
But of course, by “good”, I mean “reptile-like little creatures that walk real funny”.
Then what you’ve said is:
“White chocolate covered pretzels are reptile-like creatures that walk real funny.”
I disagree.
No, I think what he’s saying is that aardvarks are usually covered in fat, vanilla and sugar.
I agree about the inherent goodness of aardvarks, but if any strangely named small animal whose name starts with an “A” gets my vote, it’s armadillos. Small, compact, and lovely singing voices.
::wipes spit off the side of her mouth::
Yes, as a matter of fact, I do like white chocolate.
Now I certainly don’t want to steal any thunder from the ever pleasing armadillo, but if we want to get the animal with the best name that happens to start with the letter “a”, I imagine that the Teeming Millions could come up with something much better.
Even if we have to lie.
Arnold the pig.
My vote is the ant. 'Cause they would taste great smothered in white chocolate. Or any kind of chocolate for that matter. Mmmmmm.
For posterity, I’d like to direct people confused by Jack’s weird little thread to this thread, at which this smart-assed commentary is directed.
So, in a small way, I’m responsible for this waste of time and computer resources. But, in a much bigger way, Jack’s parents and rolemodels are responsible – let’s point all fingers at them, 'kay?
Go ahead, it always worked for me.
Not really. I like dark chocolate best.
Wait, this thread isn’t in reference to Jason Williams of the Sacramento Kings?