Okay. This is my last post tonight. I can tell I need sleep. I was looking at the member column sup[/sup] on the left hand side of the screen, and I saw:
I read it as “The Loaded Dog Member” and started giggling. Pretty soon, I was getting distracted by other members:
Here’s my problem. I know I need sleep. But I don’t want to go to bed with a Spooje Member as my last waking impression. That can’t be good for my fragile psyche.
[sup]God help me, it’s starting to look like cocrete poetry.[/sup]
Actually, this thought came to me independently today. I wished for a brief moment I had registered as huge swollen. Now I realise I don’t need to! I can’t believe I didn’t put my own screen name to the test. You’ve done it for me, and …um… thanks (I think).