Okay, I like Hortie’s as much as is reasonable. I’m pushing my second sausage breakfast sandwich into my face right now - two of those little bad boys every morning prepare me to face the day.
There are things over t’Horton’s that really put a hair up my Canadian ass, though:
First, it’s the way they have successfully parlayed their corporate brand identity into the a sort of misguided Canadian nationalism. People who look askance at our neighbours’ apparent flag fetishism have no problem rallying 'round a box of freaking TimBits. Whatever, bully for Horton’s for finding an angle that works, even if it is a little embarrassing.
I don’t hate Horton’s, that would be silly. It’s not like they’re Starbucks or anything - the product isn’t actually offensive. I mean, yeah, I still bring my coffee from home in a Thermos every day because it’s better - but if I happen to be out and about, I’m happy to grab a cup at Tim’s, and I know I’ll get to the bottom of it. It’s not like Starbucks, where once in a while I’ll buy a cup because there’s nothing else, but most of it’s gonna end up getting dumped out because it’s just fucking vile. No, Hortie’s has a respectable cup of coffee. Can’t say a word against them there.
What has me riled is this: The woman in front of me this morning asked for a “steeped tea.”
Yes, she specified that she would like her tea steeped. If she did this because she was mentally defective, it would pass. I am nothing if not charitable.
But it’s not her fault. It says it right there on the menu board: “Steeped tea.”
If that was all, it might still pass.
No, those silly asses had to spend millions on a campaign to let us all know that Tim Horton’s tea is steeped. They even ran especially annoying ads equating “steeped” with teen superlative buzzwords like “awesome” or “radical,” or whatever the hell it is that the kids are saying these days.
Now, this would not bother me nearly so much if not for Tim Horton’s marketing strategy of equating their brand with Canadian identity.
Look, if (English) Canada has a unifying caffeinated bevvy, IT’S TEA. TEA!
Setting Canadians up to look ignorant about tea is fucking treasonous.
We have a global commons now. They can watch the CBC in the UK.
If they see us wandering around blithely referring to “steeped” tea as if it was something special, the work of generations and generations will be for naught.
“Our poor Canadian cousins in the backwards colonies,” they’ll say. “Hey, Jacques, ja want some tea? It’s the good kind, eh? It’s steeped. Not only that, it’s wet.”
“I boiled the water and everything. It’s hot.”
“Are you sure it’s steeped now?”
“Yeah, eh, I think it’s better than the percolated kind.” “Are you sure? You didn’t use the drip method? You put the Loose tea in a touque, pack it with snow, and let it melt through? That’s how Billy Five Trucks makes it over t’curling rink.”
“Naw, I thought I’d steep it, eh? Like they do over at the Great Canadian Doughnut Store.”
entire assembly collapses in mocking laughter*
Fuck you, Horton’s. Fuck you and your delicious breakfast sandwiches. You suck.