Memo to the Democratic party: Your strategy is a total failure. Your wishy-washy centrist views and bland, lack-luster candidates have not won the hearts and minds of the American people, only driven them further right, as evidenced by Bush’s more decisive victory in this election. We need a change in vision and we need it now, or your core constituency will leave the Democratic Party for good in favor of a party that values us and does not disregard us in order to pander to flighty moderates and undecideds. The Republicans are not so cavalier about their base of power. Emulate success for a change, will ya?
My dear spineless Democrats, you must reclaim the word “liberal” and stop allowing it to be relegated to a pejorative term. Forcibly re-move the center back TO THE CENTER, and do not allow it to be pulled way over to the right as it is now. STOP allowing the Republicans to set the agenda and define where the center is. Grow a set and stand your ground-- create a qualitative, meaningful distinction between your party and the Republicans. If you don’t want a war, don’t vote for one. If you don’t want bills like the Patriot Act, don’t vote for them. Duh.
I hear the American people suddenly care so much about “moral values.” Why not remind them where the moral high ground really is-- with love your neighbor (even if he’s gay-- yes, just fucking SAY it!), with the Constitution, which guarantees separation of church and state and seeks to “secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity.” What about beating swords into plowshares? What about “a camel shall pass through the eye of a needle before a rich man will enter the kingdom of Heaven”? Turn the Republican’s own rhetoric on them; cite chapter and verse when necessary. It’d be easy as sin if only the Democrats found someone with passion and vision and… actually gave him the nomination! No more bloodless old-money prigs. Give me a person full of piss and vinegar, damn it!
Finally, you, the Democratic party, need to openly return the love of your long-suffering, oft-neglected faithful: African Americans, gays, environmentalists, the urban poor, the old school lefties, the young people. Inspire them, show them the Democrats care about THEIR values and THEIR agendas, after taking them for granted for so long in order to court demographics that have proven their lack of interest. It’s time to remember that liberalism means caring about the little guy, caring about the planet, caring about the oppressed. This is our America too, dammit. Ignore us and eventually we’ll go away. In fact, many of us already have.
Until you do these things, the Democratic Party will hang its head in defeat as it did this Tuesday. And you know what? The Dems deserve it. Learn the lesson of 2004 and move back to your roots on the left. Hey, it works for the Republicans…
A disgusted lifelong liberal and reluctant Kerry voter with no more illusions