This article isn’t the most coherent thing I’ve ever read, but basically it is a carefully edited piece that paraphrases our Republican friends as such:
“We’re going to get away with anything we can in order to erode a woman’s right to an abortion.”
Fine, fuck it, it’s a partisan screed vomited forth from the newspaper that exposed the third-to-last Republican attempt to steal an election. You know what? Fuck you guys. It took less than sixty days for you sick Conservative missionary-stylers to rip off the clown suit and expose the fucking frock.
But now you’re fucking with the people I love best: women.
I will fight you, tooth and nail.
If the bullshit “mandate” that our righteous companions attempt to prosecute succeeds, the next time I lay pipe to a woman I might be bumping heads with Tom Delay and, no doubt eventually, Chief Justice Rehnquist.
Ladies, do you feel uncomfortable when you make a mistake? That’s a fucking gavel. I implore you to go register to vote now, and send these obnoxious fuckers to the cleaners come '02. The gloves are off, the fight is on, and you, personally, must participate if this disgusting social retrograde is to be averted.
It’s self-determination, or it’s Jesus, Janet. It’s not a matter of missing the boat. We need some Hell-wrought fury that will do some goddamned weather control.