Time for a Dopefest in Canada (or Mexico)?

It is a sad, scary moment for the USA. Who wants to run away with me?

You’re welcome up here, and just in time for our own election. Our choices are conservative, conservative, conservative, separatist, and NDP.

Well, seven hours ago I was on the point of calling my SO and begging him to marry me and make me one of Her Majesty’s subjects … but I figured I’d better wait 'til it was a civilized, I mean civilised, hour over there.

Now I’m still waiting, for other reasons. This is SO weird. But yes, if the Florida recount goes the way I think it will, I may be joining you…

Woo-hoo! Come to Vancouver, BC - if you can stand the winterly-wet-wet-wet rain (though it’s been pretty dry so far).

Our own election, as matt said, it’s on Nov 27 - Middle conservative, tyring-to-be-progressive conservatives, regressive conservatives, conservative-separatist, and the NDPee… Hey, at least it’s not the Republican vs. Democrats all the time (hehe, no offence to that Perot character - reminds me of this Simpson’s Halloween special when earth was invaded by aliens and dopplegangers pretended to be bush and clinton)…

Anyways, dopefest in Canada all the way!
(not to mention rjk cooking jambolia and other stuff)


Actually, that would be “conservative, conservative, reactionary, fascist, and NDP.” :slight_smile:

The CA isn’t conservative at all. They’re reactionary. There IS a difference. Calling them conservative is an insult to conservatives.