At the drive thru getting lunch today I was behind a Chevy Suburban driven presumably by a Tinkerbell fan. On the back window were three decals, a color image of Tink’ looking over her shoulder with the caption “what are you looking at?” For a fairy she sure has an attitude. In the center a white line drawing decal of a crouching Tinkerbell and on the left another white decal with a standing figure. The standing Tinkerbell was, as is so often seen on bootleg Calvin decals, apparently urinating. In this case on the word “Princess.” She has no beef with Fords but this raised many questions in my mind. Who was the princess that deserved to be whizzed on by a fairy? How does Tinkerbell’s stream of urine exit from between her legs horizontally? Does she have a penis? Did uncle Walt not tell us something? I considered walking up to ask the woman driving the Suburban but thought better of it lest I get the crap beaten out of me.
You sure this was Tinkerbell, and not Tinklebell?
Delicate ladies tinkle. This fairy was taking a PISS.
Is there a market for squatting, pissing tinkerbells? You would think squatting would take some of the “punch” out of pissing on something. “Excuse me, you suck, would you mind laying down so I can squat over you and take a piss?” Just whipping it out and letting it fly has a much more theraputic quality to it don’t you think?
You’re right - squatting to urinate on something has a definite gentle, delicate quality to it. It’s not insulting at all - more like a compliment.
I’ll be disappointed if she does have a penis, as this could actually put a damper on any future relationship I might have with her… assuming she’d leave Peter, that is.
But in any case, there are apparently… techniques (not to mention appliances) that will (allegedly) permit a person with feminine genital apparatus to urinate in a standing position. I think there might even be websites about it.
Yep. There have been threads on women peeing standing up. It’s apparently doable, with practice. No, I’m not going to search for the websites from work. Irritate your own WebSense servers.
Um…this is Tinkerbell.
She’s always had an attitude.
She tried to kill Wendy, for the love of Og! :eek:
A. Tinkerbell urinates standing up.
B. Peter Pan is traditionally played by a woman.
C. Ergo, Tinkerbell is a guy and Socrates is a mortal.