Tinkering with my thingy

What did you do tonight? As for me, I fixed our refrigerator. Normally, I wouldn’t bore any of you with this tale, but it is a momentous achievement based on my lineage. You see, my dad has all of the handy household Mr. Fixit skills of a blind man wearing a full body cast. During various attempts at fixing or building things, he has given himself a concussion, partially cut off a finger, used a hand saw on his thigh, stapled his hand to cardboard, sledgehammered a stake through a waterpipe, run the car into the garage wall, broken a lawnmower, gotten stuck on the roof, and set part of the backyard on fire.

I have apparently avoided at least some of these mishaps, because I turned our fridge from a sweltering sauna into a chilly icebox by taking most of it apart, fiddling with parts that I actually knew the name to, and put it all back together without any parts left over. And, no blood was shed. Three cheers for me, I may have to go intentionally break stuff just to test my new found skills.

uhmmm…anyway you could fix the server here, it’s really pissing me off.

That’s quite an accomplishment, Mully. :slight_smile: Congrats to you!


Is that skit on MAD TV with the self mutilating, Bob Vila parodying character based on your father?