To paraphrase the late Molly Ivins, if Oklahoma state legislators weren’t stupid, ill-informed and narrow-minded they wouldn’t be a representative body.
However, first time I ever felt affectionate toward David Boren, if he’d offer to resign if the lege’s efforts continue he’d even have my respect.
I like the comments at the bottom. “What do you bet they never get around to inviting ‘the other side’?” You mean the one that Oklahoma is apparently already steeped in such that Dawkins causes this kind of furor?
I’m guessing that Oklahoma is like Alabama in that there are many intelligent people who are progressive in their views and are continually embarassed by things like this in their state and who understand on every level why this is wrong, and I feel sorry for them.
BUT DAMN it’s nice to not have this happening in Alabama for a change.
I love the “accountability to taxpayers” line when one of the world’s most famous scientists just waived his speakers fee to come speak at the university. I’ve no idea what his speaking fee is, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s upwards of $25,000- I’d be stunned if it were less than $15,000. Waiving it is a pretty big thing (and he’s donating $5,000 to boot).
On a similar note (I haven’t checked to see if there’s a thread so apologies if there is), many of the more conservative Catholics affiliated with Notre Dame are up in arms overObama delivering the commencementaddress. As much as I loathed Bush, I honestly can say I’d be far more curious as to what he has to say and appreciative that I’ll always be able to remember who spoke at my graduation (I have no idea who spoke at mine— IIRC he or she was a lawyer… or maybe a doctor) than I would be irate over Bush being there.
There was a local sports talk radio guy going off about that this morning. I guess it’s within his purview because Notre Dame used to be good at sports.
Wonder if the ND student health center gives out free condoms?
I grew up in Texas and I can never really get tired of hating on the Texans. I do try, however, to ignore the terrible tidal wave of stupid that washes over Oklahoma on a repetitive basis. Texas is a scary place, its true. But, if Oklahoma were to be suddenly populated 99% by Zombies, one would see little difference, except for a slight rise in the average IQ level among the citizens.
I think it was General Sherman who, in answer to a question about Texas, famously replied, “If I owned Hell and Texas, I’d rent out Texas and live in Hell.”
Oklahoma was the first state in which I saw a road sign saying “Warning: Hitchhikers may be escaping prisoners.” It’s also the only state I’ve seen with a sign saying “Do not drive into smoke on highway.”
I’ve driven across Oklahoma more times than I care to remember. As much as I dislike Texas, I would probably slit my wrists if I had to live in Oklahoma.
I recall a joke about the Aggie who moved from Texas to Oklahoma, raising the IQ level of both states in the process. (Aggies are students of Texas A&M University, actually a great school, but the students are targeted with good-natured jokes like that.)