TMI: How would you rate your ass on a scale of 1 to 10?

I’d say 7, but (hee hee) the ex-SOs were huge fans so I’d bump it up to an 8.

Apparently some girls some a little junk in the trunk too.

  1. I hate my ass more than anything else on my body.
    My ass sucks ass.

9.99 (I got screwed by the French judge - but that was OK as she’s hot)

A good diet, lots of aerobic workouts, and leg presses/squat have given me what I’ve got.

Are we talkin’ visual aesthetics? If so, my ass is a #2. I’m guessin’ I used to have an 8 back there but due to a mysterious disappearance the remainder probably can be best described as an erosional remnant.

Now if we’re talking musical ability or entertainment value (my crack is horizontal), then I must admit that I’m sittin’ on a freakin’ prodigy here.

A few extra pounds makes it a 10 in my book. RRRrrrrr.

Mrs.Maxx likes my ass, and I agree. I’ll give it a 7.5, she gives it a 8 and the French judge give it a 5. I think the French judge is a bit of a jerk.

**TMI: How would you rate your ass on a scale of 1 to 10? **
1 to 10?! Mine goes up to 11!
Actually, I lost my ass in the divorce (my lawyer really sucked), though what I have isn’t objectionable. I mean, nobody’s ever run screaming from the room, clawing at their eyes. Besides, what I don’t have in tushy, I make up for with boobage.

mmh… a year ago my ass would have been a 4. I was the only girl who was curvy everywhere except her ass. Now its about a 7ish. If it was a lil less jiggly it would rate an 8, but im too lazy to do anything about that :stuck_out_tongue:

About an 8. It’s one of my consistent received complements. Eyes, lips, voice, and smile being the others.

A year ago it would have been about a 5 since I was overweight and, while I carry most of my fat in my gut since I’m a guy, I had enough to spread around so that I had the beginnings of cellulite. Shape was still okay, which is why it wasn’t lower.

From a functional point of view, I’d give it a 4. It tends to be smelly and itchy. Speaking aesthetically, I don’t think about it much but my wife would say it’s an 11.

As Willie Nelso was found of saying, “I lost my ass and all its fixtures.”

All female ass-raters above a 7.5 must post pictures. New rule.

I’m a bit discombobulated about my ass at the moment. I’ve been losing weight this summer (officially 8 pounds this weekend!) plus I’ve been running. The other evening as I was putting in my pyjamas, I reached around to give my nekkid buttock a good scratch and . . . Well, damn, there isn’t as much there back there as there used to be. And what’s there isn’t shaped like what used to be there. When I had more booty, I wasn’t one of those “OHMIGOD, MY ASS IS SO HUGE” girls. It was doin’ its thing, back there, and IMHO it filled out a pair of jeans pretty nicely. (FTR, I’m much more of an OHMIGOD MY THIGHS ARE SO HUGE girls, and I’m very pleased with progress in that department, and also the beefing up of the calves. I’ll have some very nice legs one of these days . . .)

I’d give my former ass a solid 6. As for my current ass, I’m just a little disoriented at the moment. Is less always more? Or has my womanly-ness been diminished? Give me a few weeks of living with it and I’ll decide how I feel about it.

I’ll admit, I have a great ass. 9.5 or so.