To Post or Not to Post...Not to Post!

The Premise: My girlfriend has, as of late, been of the opinion that she is ballooning up, particularly in the stomach and thighs, and desperately needs to lose weight. And needs to eat less than she is, and exercise more. This despite the fact that she is vegan and a figure skater. This despite the fact that she is, while she has gained a very sleight amount of weight, stunning. Gorgeous, even. And while it’s completely normal for a teenage girl to not like her body for whatever reason, it really is border-line ridiculous.

So, I get an idea. I’ll start a thread! I’ll take pictures of her, and post them on the Dope and get opinions. I’ll call the thread something along the lines of “Do you think my girlfriend is fat?” Once the overwhelming response of ‘No!’ comes in, I’ll just show her the thread and…

And then I realized what a bad idea that was. A horridly bad idea. “Reasonable justification for murder” level bad idea. “I wonder what ever happened to Sane One” type bad.

So, what threads have you just realized are a completely and totally bad idea?

I personally think you should try that idea, because I want to help you out. You can always consider RandMcnally a friend that will always help you.
Oh, and there should be pictures with very skimpy clothing.
For your sake and all.


What? So little replies? Very creative thread, TheOnlySaneOne.

I was going to post one time about how I felt really guilty for ending a friendship with someone because she treats me differently in front of certain people. Then I realized: who cares? Easy come, easy go.

Your “Is my girlfriend fat?” thread sounds like it would open up a lot of room for interesting discussion, bearing in mind you get her permission first. You know, who doesn’t want to have their photo closely analyzed by legions of anonymous individuals on the internets…Well, nevermind. :smiley:

I’ve regretted threads I’ve started on the movie forums at
Some work fine and some get swamped with idiot children who post potty mouth insults and have the most annoying sigs.
So I pretty much stopped posting there. Just found it too creepy.

I know you’re not really looking for advice, but it sounds like she’s got some body image issues and showing her to thousands of people to judge may not be the way to go. I think she may want to talk about this in a safe environment, e.g., with you and not have it be put out there for strangers to analyze.

And you know there’s always some a-hole who will chime in about how fat she is and that’s what she would fixate on.

Staggeringly bad idea, IMHO.

Your girlfriend is not fat . Trust me.

And definitely not a lesbian.