Get the fuck over it. So he faked like he was mooning the crowd. BFD. The Fox announcers were acting like he just stabbed a kitten. It was just a funny little celebration after he iced a playoff game against his team’s arch-rivals. Nobody died. Nobody was in any way injured or harmed. Your children will not be scarred. Randy Moss is not Osama bin Laden. Save your sanctimonious, patronizing scolding for something that matters in life.
I hope he pulls his fucking dick out the next time.
I thought he pantomimed wiping his ass on the goalpost, which is a little nastier than a fake mooning, although I’m not in the least offended either way. Joe Buck’s always been that kind of prick, though – everything outrages him.
By the way, I’m contractually obligated to say that, uh, the Vikes’ next opponents won’t be throwing any submarine passes from six yards past the line of scrimmage, know what I mean?
I can’t wait for the Packer fans to come in and talk about how nothing was Brett Favre’s fault. Let me guess: all the receivers for Green Bay were jackasses right?
Oh to see that man fail is like Christmas all over again.
Ehh, the only thing I have against Moss is from college, when I tutored his ass and he was too much of a dick to call me when he needed to miss a session - which was…oh, nearly EVERY FUCKING TIME. And then he wondered why none of us wanted to work with him.
The guy is an ass, and I’m honestly surprised there aren’t incidents like this just about every week with him.
Well, ole Moss showed us why he’s the class act of the Vikes and Minnesota fans everywhere. I hope Owens is healthy enough to show him up.
So, Dio, I ask you for one favor. Respond, in this thread, that you will never complain about anything a Packer does in the MetroDrome to insult those off the playing field. I’d like to save the post, since the Pack will surely have something to respond with when we sweep you again next year while winning another Division title.
Randy Moss=Minnesota class act=Punk ass bitch. All the same.
Go Eagles!
Sure, I’ll say it. That stuff doesn’t bother me. It’s part of the game. I actually like it when TO does the stuff that he does. I think it’s funny and it’s fun.
I still say it would be a different tune from you if it was Walker doing it in the Drome. Maybe a little less forgiving? Meh. Doesn’t matter now. I’ll let the national media and public opinion add to the Moss-bashing. And you thought I’d trade Driver or Walker for Moss. :rolleyes:
I don’t really like Moss but I do like sports villains in general. They bring a whole entertainment dimension into the games. I love the signs in the stands too.
I think Owens does it in a cleaner, funner way too.
It seemed like Fox wanted Favre to go deeper in the playoffs and Randy just buzzkilled their storyline so they made a big huge deal out of a trivial gesture. Moss gets villified beyond all reason. He’s actually ben a really good guy in the community here. He does a ton of charity work and stuff with kids that doesn’t get publicity and which he refuses to do interviews about. He’s also done things like buying houses for needy families out of his own bank account. The thug image that he has is completely unwarranted. Other than a single traffic incident where a meter maid jumped on his car he’s had no incidents off the field that merit that kind of image. He’s a decent guy. He may be a little emotionally immature on the field at times but he’s not af freaking serial killer. The way the media paints things you’d think the guy just sits around with gangsters hitting a crack pipe and watching Scarface on a loop.
By the way, your boys Driver and Walker? If either of them had been traded to the Vikings they wouldn’t now be relegated to the cheering section of the playoffs instead of the playing section.