It’s 10am, I’ve been stuck at work for 2 hours now… got got 12 hours before I’m off and can go home… To me this looks to be a very plain, uneventful and may I add long Tuesday for me…
But even though today is nothing to me at all, I was thinking that hey… this might be the greatest day in some other dopers life… Or atleast there’s a chance that it’s just slightly more special than my Tuesday is…
So… what I am asking is this:
What makes today a special day to you?
/Bored Skümmet hoping for some interesting posts.
Hey, long time no see, Skümmet.
Since it’s not quite Tuesday here where I am, I’ll tell you what made my Monday special. I saw the sun rise. No biggie for a lot of people, but it’s literally been years since I’ve seen one.
I found myself still awake at 5 this morning. So I got dressed and went outside and watched the sun come up.
It got my day off to a good start. I still haven’t gotten any sleep, but at least I’m not grouchy. 
My boss is letting me arrive at work late today (but I am working through my lunch).
You see, I am going to my lawyer’s office to sign my settlement check from my auto acident. Not much (enough to take care of the bills), but at least this is completed and not drgging on and on and on…
Congrats, Screech! That’s a definite plus!!!
I don’t know exactly how my day is going to turn out, but so far, I had a good night’s sleep (you have no idea how rare that is!) and tonight I’m going out for a couple drinks while I watch lurker play darts. In between, who can only tell what kind of fun the working world will have for me today!!! 
That sounds really great… To me there aren’t many things quite as peaceful as enjoying a beautiful sunrise…
On a realted note of “good days” I was looking though your B-day thread… Happy Birthday!! 
(I realized when I saw that thread that I’ve actually been here more than a year now… wow… I must be one of the least prodctive posters around!)
That post above was ofcourse meant for AudreyK 
Screech, I can’t even begin to imagine how good it must feel to finally having some sort of closure on something like that… It must be such a huge relief not having to worry about it anymore! Congratulations!
Why, thank you kindly, Skümmet!
Congrats on having survived a year in this madhouse. 
Today is special because I’m alive, relatively healthy, have a decent job, a good husband and good friends. I don’t have all the things I want, but I do have all the things I need and more. Yeah, it’s a good life. Cheers.
Well… my today is lacking towards the end… 10 minutes and I am off work for a well deserved 2 days of nothing but pure relaxation!
It turned out exactly as uneventful as I expected. Long, boring… but in it’s own special way not all that bad afterall… I got work done… Fighting SPAM feels good! I got to bullshit with my kickass co-workers (nope no cow orkers here today… yay!)
I’ve got a headache now, and my eyes can’t quite focus as well as usual… but it’s all good coz I can sleep as long as I want tomorrow!
Today was Tuesday… nothing extraordinary at all, but I wouldn’t have missed it for the world! I agree with you ultress even on a day like this, it is a good life!
Well, I finally signed my insurance check.
Bad News:
They spelled my name wrong. (Par for the course.)
Good News:
It doesn’t matter.
I’ll be getting something out of it in 7-10 days.