Today's my birthday

Yes, after all the hype and all the buildup and all the hoopla, I’m finally 18.:rolleyes:

I don’t feel different.

First of all: Congratulations!!

Abour feeling different…

Wait until you’re 30. No, actually, you won’t feel different then either. Only slightly older. Sometimes not even that. :smiley:

Go to the store and buy your first carton of cigarretes, and smoke them all. Then you’ll feel different.

You know, 18 is a big birthday for lots of things – you can now legally kill youself with cigarettes, you can now vote, and even for or against the people who will send you off to die for your country, you can sign contracts and get yourself hopelessly in debt, etc.

But the fun stuff isn’t for another three years. No nasty sex clubs, no booze.

Yeah, 18 isn’t that big a deal, alas. But happy birthday anyway!

Well, at least your parents feel different. They can no longer be sued because of anything you do. (Not that you would do stupid things.)

Happy birthday.

Woo hoo!! I can’t wait till I turn 18, but sadly I just turned 17 less than 2 months ago. Too bad the legal drinking age isn’t still 18! :smiley:

And for some reason when I see your name, I mentally pronounce it “flude”. Now yes I do know what a flood is and I know how to pronounce it. Go figure.

Happy Birthday from a fellow Texan…

You can now: hmmm. Well, you can’t drink. You can smoke, join the Army, and be tried as an adult in a court of law.

When I turned 17 in Texas about 20 years ago, I was of legal drinking age (briefly). Isn’t that weird??

Must be nice to have a July 4th birthday!!

How does it feel sharing your birthday not only with this wonderful nation of ours, but with George Steinbrenner?


Approximate Phonetic Chinese Version of “Happy Birthday”: (thanks, Nathan!)

“Guung juuk nay fook sow yuen teen tsai, hing hong nay sun sun fie lok. Leen leen doe yao gum yut, suuy doe yao gum jzew, guung hay nay! Guung hay nay!!!”

Approximate English Translation of Above:

“Congrats on this good day of fortune, where we can all gather together. Wishing you a very happy birthday. Every year, this wondrous day arrives; Always, this wondrous time comes. Congratulations! Congratulations!”
How about sharing your birthday with the late Eppie Lederer (aka Ann Landers) and Pauline Phillips, aka Dear Abby?

My sister’s friend Kate also has a birthday today… so I hope she has an awesome one! (she’s great to have around) Of course, she’s been able to drink and vote for a couple years… she’s turning 20, and we’re in Canada. :smiley:

Kate said once that her (much-)older siblings used to tease her about having a July 4 birthday. Apparently, they said that she wasn’t really Canadian because her birthday was also that of the States. Go figure.


Happy birthday, Flood! :slight_smile:

Good point, Zenster. kiddoeeaddi will hit that milestone soon. I guess Mr. 'Addi and I should wait before taking the battery of lawyers off retainer…

If you were in Quebec, you’d be able to drink and visit strip clubs.

So take all that birthday money and jump on a plane, birthday boy!

[sub]Monday is my birthday, as well as that of three of my co-workers[/sub]

Happy birthday, Flood! :smiley: