
I use AquaFresh toothpaste twice a day with no incident, however, while visiting my parents this weekend I brushed with their toothpaste. I forget what brand it was, but it really burned my mouth. I’m not talking about a heat burn, but more of a minty burn. Why do some toothpastes create this sensation?

Theres one specifically for sensitive teeth, I forget the name, but it was burny to say the least!

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Probably menthol or one of those strong minty ones.

You’re quite sure you didn’t get ahold of the Preparation H, right?

There is an ingred. in most toothpastes, called “sodium lauryl sulfate” or something like that. It can cause canker sores in the mouth. It has also been blamed for several other health problems, mostly via UL.

Is that the same stuff that makes your mouth burn when you gargle with Scope?

From Dental Remedies

Some Possibilities…

"Quaternary ammonium compound …
Reduces plaque by acting as an antiseptic, solvent, and emulsifying agent. Used in Cepacol and Scope.
Adverse reactions may include a burning sensation in the mouth. "


Reduces bacteria’s ability to attach to teeth and gums. Also retards the acid-producing ability of bacteria. Used in Viadent toothpaste and mouthwash. Derived from the bloodroot plant. Chemical name is benzophenathradine.
Adverse effects may include a burning sensation in the mouth.”

Also saw Fluoride mentioned as having a burning sensation but the sites were a bit skewed in their opinions on the use of it.