Tornado Friday Damn Close

So yesterday we had a number of severe storms pass through. One in the morning and one starting about 5:00PM. They both left flooding. The last one had deluges of water, hail severe lightening and tornadoes. I even got the emergency supplies gathered on my person and was fully dressed on the last one after which I was turning everything off that hadn’t already shut off with the power cutting off and on. The whole family was leaving for Madison at 6:00 for a birthday dinner. As everybody was coming to our house for a shared ride, the tornado was in the area. It didn’t come within miles of our house. It did how ever touch down about a block from one of my niece’s grand parents. Obviously not my parent’s house. We got to Madison and dinner alright, having the storm finish up just before we had to go. It had hit between 5:30 and 5:45 in the Wyocena area, and headed towards Dalton. No other relatives had a close call. On the way home we passed by the damage, but with the black of night, I couldn’t see much and have no pictures. I however have some links, and you shouldn’t think the only damage was the one property. The auto salvage yard had some damage, and the junk moved to new locations in the county. The police car in a photo is not under debris, that is somebody playing optical games for effect. The Wisconsin has been at very high levels and this rain may have us breaking some records.

Portage Daily Register

Channel 3000 Main Page

Channel 27 Main Page

P.S. I’m really sick of our yard being flooded for the last two months.

Isn’t springtime fun? There might have been a tornado close by Thursday night. The weather radio came on, warning of one just a few miles from here. On Friday people were saying that one touched down but there’s been nothing in the news and I haven’t heard of any damage.

While heading to the basement Thursday night, I looked out the kitchen window and the rain was horizontal. No flooding around here but the creeks and rivers are all at their banks, and there are lots of lakes in the fields and ditches.

We were in the 70’s mid-week but it’s 43 now.

The apple trees have no leaves and 3 tent caterpillar nests were present about Tuesday. I couldn’t treat them with my Bacillus Thuringus, because there wasn’t anything for them to consume. With the cold weather coming they hopefully will have almost all died naturally. I think the garden this year will have to be used for water cress and fish.

Or cranberries.

I hate tent caterpillars. Haven’t seen any around here though. Do they do better farther north? Mom had them in a plum tree in Seattle. She got tired of fighting them every year and finally cut the tree down.