Toronto Dopers - Nuit Blanche?

I realize it is really short notice but are any Toronto Dopers planning to attend Nuit Blanche? I would love to see it and I have missed it in my previous years in TO.

It goes from 7:00 PM tomorrow until sunrise on Sunday. If there is even one other Toronto Doper interested I would love to go.

Oh well. :frowning:

I’m sorry… I’m a just-outside-of-Toronto Doper right now… but I am unable to attend.

I’m sorry, I’m sicker than a dog right now. I was supposed to be performing with some friends, but I’ve cancelled. Off to bed with a hot pad for me.

I’m not in Toronto, but will be in a couple of weeks (business reasons). Sad to be missing it, but owing to business, it would be unlikely that I could attend anyway.