Toxins tonite! Purge your mind and buy!

This time it will be up-close and personal. I have been hired to videorecord a local presentation by “Doctor T.”, otherwise known as Dr. Tel-Oren. Here is his web site.

He has come all the way around the world to warn us about the dangers of fluoridation, tell us that cancers are caused by a fungus, suggest that we purge our bodies of “toxins”, inform us that all the drug companies want is to keep us sick so they can sell us cures that never work anyway, tell we should eat only raw foods as cooked ones are “toxic”, and to promote “wellness”. Almost forgot – he has a book to sell, too. :rolleyes:

There doesn’t appear to be any studies or literature authored by him that I can find in medical journals (let me know if you find some), but of course, that proves that the establishment is against him because he is right.

This lecture is sponsored by the local health food [del]nut[/del] store, which seems to have a value scale that says the more bizarre the claim is, the more valid it is and the more product they will sell. But they’re only doing it to help people, not make money, like Big Pharma!

It should be a fun evening. Since I’m being paid to do this gig, I will probably keep my opinions to myself (or not), but I will be boiling inside.

How would you handle this situation if you were in my shoes? What question could I ask that would throw the doc a curve?

I’m not sure I could do it. I really wouldn’t want my name on anything associated with someone like that.

Pretend to film the whole thing and at the end of the night when he asks for the tape, hand him some bark and herbs, and tell him that he’s convinced you and you’re using all natural film. If he complains, call him an establishment supporting sheep who wouldn’t know the next new thing if it gave him cancer.

I don’t want my name on it either, but a gig’s a gig. Maybe I should wear some Groucho Marx noseglasses?

BTW, in spite of the thread title, the event is July 30, not tonight. I can hardly wait.

Could you use homeopathic film?

A gig’s a gig. Aim the camera and crank your iPod up very loud.

But then I’d have to develop it in homeopathic chemicals, and they don’t sell strong enough ones (i.e., dilute enough) in my local market.

You might be surprised to learn that film is dead. I may have to use homeopathic videotape. Know where I can get some?

Since I have been working in the [del]crackpot[/del] alternative health field (not as a therapist) for over 15 years, I guess I can answer this one. The easiest one to ask him is to identify the toxins involved. I did this when I first started and I am still waiting for an answer. Otherwise, get ready to :rolleyes: a lot.

Ask him if he’s considered applying for the Million Dollar Challenge issued by James Randi.

Make your own! You’ll need some regular tape and a lot of water…

Relevant Mitchell & Webb sketch

Do it, but use the pseudonym “Alan Smithee.”

What nonsense. Everyone knows that all cancers are caused by a parasite - the liver fluke - which you can kill with a handy electric zapper.

I’d ask him on camera how he can promote the fungus theory when Hulda Clark has demonstrated that a single parasite causes cancer. And she has a PhD, as well as being a Doctor of Naturopathy! And fluoride fears are so…1980. Doesn’t he know that the real villains are aspartame, chemtrails and vaccines? This is your big chance to educate the man.

Double nonsense, everyone knows that cancer is caused by an acid-base imbalance. It is true ! Jean-Pierre Willem says so ! :smiley:

Trying working parts of General Rippers speech to Group Captain Mandrake into the conversation. Ask the guy how you can prevent the dilution of your precious bodily fluids, which is a commie plot anyway.

Screw up the recording and blame it on being too close to a Ley Line. Rearrange the furniture and other immediate surroundings into really uncomfortable and inconvienant configurations and if/when they complain, tell them that it’s the only way to get the harmonic energy of the room into alignment enough to permit proper recording. If they still complain or move something, say something like, “Oh I guess we’re going to do it in the way the establishment approves.”

Very related video: Irish comedian Dara O’Briain talks about homeopathy and general health nuttiness. NSFW language, but he’s Irish, so it sounds nicer somehow.

Be professional. Go zen. Be Musicat filming. Make the best product you can. Your name may end up on the finished product, but it won’t be under the heading of “writer” or “research.” You will be clearly identified as The Guy Who Expertly Exposed The Film And Ensured Perfect Lighting And Sound Quality.

In other words, you make the dumbass look and sound as clearly like a dumbass as is possible.

Ha! That fraud! There’s no money there, he will never give it out, I don’t have time for that, I don’t need his money and the test is rigged. Just ask Victor Zammit or Peter Morris. :smiley:

Prevent? :confused: I thought the homeopathic concept required dilution? :slight_smile:

Here is the poster for the lecture. (PDF)

If you care, and just happen to be in Israel next month, you might want to attend this lecture: "August 23, 8 PM, Tel-Aviv, Israel: Dr. T lectures (in Hebrew) in a symposium titled ‘The Truth About Fluoridation.’

Topic: The Health Ramifications of Fluoridation - the Intentional Introduction of a Known Toxic Industrial Waste - Fluorosilicic acid - and its Associated Heavy Metals Contaminants into Our Water Reservoirs and into Our Bodies."

Here are the Doctor/Professor’s credentials (not verified by me):“Prof. Adiel Tel-Oren, MD (Europe), CCN, DACBN, LN, DC (Ret), DABFM, DABOM, FABDA (
President & Founder, The Ecopolitan Eco-Health Network (
President Emeritus & Professor of Nutrition and Functional Medicine, The University of Natural Medicine (
Founder, Functional & Dental Health (FDH) Foundation (Promoting Functional Med & Biological Dentistry)
Chief Medical Consultant, CCODER Nepal’s Community Health Plan (
Professor & Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist with the IAACN & CNCB
Board Certified: American Clinical Board of Nutrition; American Board of Oxidative Medicine; American Board of Chelation Therapy (c), American Board of Functional Medicine (c)”

The promoter of this lecture, a health food store owner, has this to say: "Dr. Tel-Oren is an amazing presenter with his vast knowledge of science related to health issues and a passion to help people find a vibrant life in a natural and sustainable way.

Recent research from Europe brings new science to the treatment and challenges some old thinking about detoxing chemicals from our bodies and brains.

Why is this significant? because detoxing is not recognized by our traditional system to treat disease. Yet toxins are a major contributor to illness and in some cases maybe the hidden cause. How many children will have Autism before we do anything?..or Alzheimer’s?, MS, or cancer?

Sacred Life Center has a mission to bring wellness to the community with education about natural ways to prevent and treat disease."

Additional comments “from a Seattle friend”: "Colon Detox, Liver Detox, Kidney Detox, master flush, juice fast, salt water flush - you name it - I’ve done it. But was it all good? Was it safe? Was it healthy? - I am looking forward to learn about it from Dr. T. His last visit in Seattle he impressed deeply everyone who came to see him with his amazing knowledge, simple explanation, and easy to understand presentation of complex health and ecological issues. I was mesmerized with Dr. T’s encyclopedically abilities, intellectual capacity, open-mindedness, and holistic and global perspective he offered.All of these qualities put him way above your ordinary MD narrowly specialized and limited in their vision of the human health.In anyway - we have a chance again to drink from a pure source of invaluable information and quench the thirst for knowledge, as well as experience the humor, the honesty, and the depth of Dr. T’s personality.

The best investment is in the health of your family, and it starts with education."

Wow, for that last line, I couldn’t agree more.

He seems to be ready for that one. According to the poster, “We are loaded with toxins from Mercury in tooth fillings, flu vaccines, infant vaccinations, all kinds of chemicals in food, neurotoxin Fluoride in water and toothpaste, chemical pharmaceuticals that linger for years and other toxins.”

In other words, any and all claims about anything being bad, even if old, refuted and discarded long ago, are rolled into his position.

Holy motherfucking shit :eek::eek::eek: My boss’s outfit is associated with these bozos !

I just found out that the seminar isn’t free, but will cost each person $35 at the door. But they promise “raw snacks.”

Now I know how they can afford to hire not only me, but a sound man as well.

The seminar title is “Deep Tissue Detoxification.” Send your checks to the Sacred Life Center.

That should make the question even funnier.