At least, that’s what this guy does. (Warning, registration required. BugMeNot doesn’t have any valid options, you can use my spam email: Weirddave00 at Yahoo dot com with the password “pissoff”) According to the story, one year his theme was a naked Madonna! (The pop star, not the mother of Jesus) Now, I’m all for individual property rights, and I rather admire kitsch and cleverness, but in this case I fail to see the connection between Paris and Xmas. I certainly don’t think this guy should be prevented from putting up his display, but what is the connection? Paris as the Virgin (BWAHAHAHA! HEHEHEHE! snort giggleBWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! snicker-sorry, lost it there for a sec) Mary, maybe. That could have been fun, but this? Not so much. What exactly is the point?
It’s pretty damn funny, if’n you ask me, just for the sheer WTF factor.