Shit, I’ve never pitted anyone before, so if my pit sucks, screw you!
In this eight page train wreck, I relayed a tale of someone not respecting boundaries and behaving like a generally shitty human being. Long story short, I went on a date with someone who was fine, but there was no connection. Living in the Midwest and all, the weather was terrible that night, it rained like fucking mad when it was time to go home, and no way are you going to be able to fetch a cab where we were. So considering he was nice and had no umbrella, and that we were two shakes from my apt, I say he can call a cab and wait in my apt for it to show instead of standing in a downpour. Now this not being my first rodeo, I know that guys assume an invite up means good times, so I point out while that is generally the case, there will be NO fuckery of any kind, I’m not interested at all, and just don’t want to make him stand in the rain for 15 min without an umbrella. Call your cab, wait for it in a dry place, then get out. He says he gets it, no problema, and is grateful that I was nice about it. So the guy turned out to be a cunt with boundary issues and kept trying to pull shit the moment he got inside. Lame.
Fuck me for being nice, I guess. Lesson learned.
So there were a lot of stupid responses to this thread, my favorite of which was “If we legalize hookers, guys won’t be so pushy.” The most pit-worthingly fucktarded was a guy, treis, saying straight up that ANY time a woman lets you inside of her apartment – not generally so; I mean ANY time no matter what with ZERO exceptions, no matter what is said and made clear beforehand – that is a tacit invitation to have sex. Seriously, no matter what. Even if it’s fucking pouring and you tell him no funny business, you know how this goes, but you just don’t want the guy to get soaked, that’s woman code for “penis time.” You just cannot believe bitches when they say no! Once you open that door, it’s business time!
Part of me wants to be mad about this kind of rapey horse shit, but the rest of me realizes anyone this spectacularly dumb and useless has never seen the inside of a woman’s apartment anyway, so no harm no foul. But I can’t call people dumb shits in MPSIMS, so I’m transferring it here.
Treis, here’s to never getting laid for the rest of your life. Cheers!