Tretiak Wins The Bet

Due to about 40,000 injuries, the Packers did indeed have a much better season than the woeful Chicago Bears, and in accordance with the bet I made with Tretiak way back in Optimistic August, I debut my new sig here…

Also, as a side note, I’d like to acknowledge to Beagledave and other Packers fans that the hummers going on about Brian Urlacher on Sunday night football were…in a word…OBNOXIOUS. Talk of carving his hall of fame bust already were bizarre at best and ridiculous at worst. You’d think I was commentating for God’s sake.

Anyway…enjoy your playoffs. I’ll be watching hockey. :frowning:

Don’t worry jarbaby, the Iggles will avenge their single previous Super Bowl trip this year. You should at least take heart that the Packers got their clocks cleaned against the Jets.

E-A-G-L-E-S Eagles!

I notice Tretiak started a thread calling me out while I was on vacation. I didn’t want to appear to be weaseling out of the bet, so I started a new one. And I believe my sig is just as good and telling as the one he suggested :smiley:

I never had a doubt jarbabyj that you would follow through. Your sig, although not reverential enough to the glory that is the Green Bay Packers, is satisfactory, except that it won’t make much sense in a couple of weeks. :slight_smile:

BTW, Gangster Octopus = Tretiak. I had to register a diffferent name at work for reasons I still do not comprehend.


I browse sig-free. Rather than disabling it, looking at your sig, and enabling it, would someone mind printing the sig in the regular post?

Pretty please?

Jar’s sig:

The Green Bay Football Packers are an unstoppable ball of dredlocks and talent that cannot be beaten until two weeks from now.

Thank you so much.


Moderator’s Notes: You need to contact one of the admins immediately. Use of more than one screen name on the SDMB is not permitted. The admins can help you through whatever technical difficulties you are having with your other name. Please see to this as soon as possible. Thank you.

Oh crap, sorry about that, I will do so immediately, how do I contact an admin?

Click their hyperlinked name on the main page of the forums, grab their email address, promise chocolate and beg forgiveness.

Are admins and moderator’s the same thing?

Yup. What ell-en-know said. Although since you obviously meant no deception, the chocolate won’t be necessary. Probably.

The admins are:
Arnold Winkelried
C K Dexter Haven
Lynn Bodoni &
Tuba Diva
They are the only ones with the access level required to manually manipulate your account(s). That’s the major difference between administrators and moderators.

An administrator can change your account, but a moderator is the one that will take you out to the woodshed for bad behaviour. I hope you still have that paddle named “Discipline”, UncleBeer? Ah, good times.

With the holes in it to make it more aerodynamic?

Man, I made good friends with that back in the day …

I have an honest Packer question since I was at a party and the sound was down…

Was Favre pulled by Sherman or was he injured or did he take himself out of the Jets game or what?

I think they pulled Favre to protect him from injury since the Pack was busy stinking up the joint (thank Og!)