Hey all you Homestar Runner fans! Check out the latest Strong Bad e-mail.
Damn you!
I just posted that.
I totally burninated that countryside.
Take that peasant!!
Let’s put one of those beefy arms back there for good measure . . .
my friend just got married, and all we could talk about at the wedding was Trogdor. It was almost too much, but the game snapped me back into my Trogdor fandom.
In the game, press the “K” button to “kick” the machine, as Strong Bad does during the cartoon. Just like in the cartoon, it causes the machine to shout “Trogdor!”
“Whoa…dat is one big adding machine.”
Hot damn! This video game could not be more perfect. It is brilliant. You even get a little play ala Pac Man at Level 5, and then it switches to a night scene! Woo hoo!
I also admire that you start with three Mans.
Heh. Stupid friggin’ knights.
Why isn’t it accepting my taxes?
Ack–1186. I need a hobby.
The tables have turned!
And then Trogdor smote the Kerreck, and all was laid to burnination.
Have you ever considered souping up your name with a cool nickname, Journeyman? You could be Journey “The Yellow Dart” Man.