I’d like to discuss trolling: what it is, what it isn’t, and why it’s bad. I’d be interested in hearing the opinions of everyone since I haven’t quite made up my mind about the whole thing yet. So, old timers, newbies, 'tweeners, mods, admins — everybody’s welcome to have a say.
Here’s what I think, and you tell me if you agree or disagree. Trolling is the deliberate posting of threads or posts for the sole purpose of raising a stink. In other words, as a logical assertion, I would say: Trolling implies pissing people off. (Other phrases are okay, too, like “causing chaos” or “getting under peoples’ skin”… whatever.)
Now, as everyone knows, if A implies B, it does not necessarily follow that B implies A. That is, pissing people off does not necessarily imply trolling. Just because a thread or post causes a ruckus doesn’t mean that it’s a troll. As I see it, if you open a thread and feel pissed off, misled, duped, or whatever, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ve been trolled. Maybe you were just whooshed.
A person might make a point in a provocative way. Satire, sarcasm, invective, misdirection, and so forth — these can be rhetorical tools that make a point in some way other than straight narrative. Now, that’s not necessarily the case, as in this thread. There, I think the OP was a joke, and therefore didn’t belong in the Pit because joke threads aren’t allowed here. But I don’t think it was trolling, or even close to trolling.
A troll really doesn’t care to make a point. He gets his jollies by waiting under the bridge, jumping out to scare people, and then giggling to himself over it. His only point is, “Hey, look at me! Boo!” So, I think that’s why trolling is bad. It’s a waste of everybody’s time and the board’s bandwidth. People get their hackles up over nothing. And the only one who has any fun is the troll.
But I think that, for example, posting a quote and leaving it to the imagination — or even being misleading — as to whether George Bush or Bill Clinton said it is NOT trolling. The point being made is that sometimes people’s partisanship blinds them. Yes, it likely pisses someone off when they realize that they condemned the quote (or praised it) only to find out that their own guy (or their enemy) said it. But so what? Let them be pissed. They only helped to make the OP’s point. People who do not favor either Bush or Clinton enjoy the post as much as the OP.
But maybe I’m wrong about all this, and I’m open to hearing arguments to the contrary. What is trolling? What isn’t it? And why is it bad?