Trolls R Us redux [Now the argument clinic]

To add…

This in no way makes you an expert on this topic. Not even a little bit.

I am not either but you are the one claiming some expertise.

So yeah…fuck you too you wannabe pretender.

Just popping in here to say that I’m disappointed that YWTTF is back and has gone full TERF, instead of her wishy-washy version before.

She flat out said that trans men are women in her first reply to me in “trans furore” thread. She argued that people who care about trans people are ignore the feelings of women. That’s just the KKK’s argument about how “white people rights” are being ignored. TERFs are ignored.

Thing is, I could have sworn I’d seen her talk with out trans people without misgendering them, but now that doesn’t bother her at all.

Plus she’s just gone kinda nutty, pretending people said the opposite of what they actually said, because those of us who are clearly feminists must have suddenly switched sides to be anti-feminist now.

I’m not sure what happened. I’m pretty sure I didn’t submit, but here are parts that got removed:

Just popping in here to say that I’m disappointed that YWTTF is back and has gone full TERF, instead of her wishy-washy version before.

She flat out said that trans women are men in her first reply to me in “trans furore” thread:

I also note that, at no point in my post that she replied to, nor the post that I was replying to, did either of us talk about people undressing with each other.

Who the fuck is this? How about a link?

The user name is YWTF, one less t, not an acronym. Here’s a link. Scroll to the end.

I believe YWTF was formerly known as You With The Face.

[looks at his avatar] Heh, I guess Tim_R.Mortiss would never be addressed by YWTF. :wink:

Could stand for You Was The Face

What are the odds that both @Obama and @Dershowitz would contribute to the same Great Gish-gallop Debate? We are among giants, my friends.

I could only take so much of the trans thread but YWTF is doing the same thing the anti-SSM crowd used to do - in the same way they claimed that allowing SSM would somehow dilute the meaning of the word “marriage”, YWTF is basically arguing that transwomen dilute the meaning of the word “women”. It’s a fucking stupid argument. But not actually trolling.

In other news, I’m wondering how long the mods are going to allow our baseball-themed friend with the endless stream of “A lot of people are saying” posts to continue.

The difference, I think, is that “married people” are not an oppressed group, the way women are. So I think YWTF feels that she has the righteous armour of oppression on her side. Which, to be fair, she partly does. But playing Oppression Olympics only benefits oppressors, IMO.

I’m personally quite conflicted on the whole thing (not on Rowling, who has morphed into a full-on sarky asshole on the matter). I mean, I fully think trans-women are women, but I also think there can be safe spaces for AFAB women only, without that being TERFy. They just need to say that’s what they are on the tin, as it were. Whereas YWTF and others seem very invested in keeping the standalone word “women” AFAB-only for everything. Which is TERFy.

I think monstro is the more reasonable sister, and even she’s edged into misgendering. That whole thread is a clusterfuck.

I’m a huge fan of both of those posters (YWTF and monstro). Somehow I managed to offend at least YWTF, if not both, possibly with some clumsy phrasing on my part, and so I’ve pretty much dropped out of the thread. I definitely don’t think either of them are trolls, even as I have some varying disagreement with them on trans issues (your position seems close to mine AFAICT).

I don’t think anyone is trolling there. Caveat: I only read the first and last 10% of that thread.
Some half of Americans think gender = sex, fixed at birth. And even for those that don’t, concerns don’t have to be rational to be sincere. That goes for the folks who were using the same language against SSM back whenever that was. Whom we’ve in no small part won over.

Is there a particular reason you posted a link to a 1400+ post thread, rather than the specific post?

Yeah I can’t take much of that thread. Seeing things like “transmen who are women” grates like hell.

Is this a trick question?

“Assigned female at birth” for those of you who had to look it up (like me) but didn’t bother (unlike me.)

Seems reasonable to me. In a day, I’ll click on that link and scroll to the end and get something completely different. Click on the link icon at the bottom of the post (looks like two links in a chain)

As far as the greater discussion, Eve and Una Persson were two of my favourite posters and it looks like this type of transphobia is the reason they’re not around. I have a problem with that.

Exactly so. I remember LinusP (or whatever his name was) who posted endless threads on how we couldn’t allow women to have equality because men were persecuted too. The irony of this argument was that helping women achieve equality would have made it much easier to address those areas where men were being discriminated against; that said, it was fairly obvious that his whining was just a thin layer of plausibility covering over a steaming pit of misogyny so the point is ultimately moot.

Similarly here, working for trans rights wouldn’t actually negatively impact women - a tiny percentage of assholes aside (which every population has), the trans community isn’t anti-women and letting them in as allies rather than trying to bar the gates would be more constructive, if only some people could overcome their irrational fear.

That would be LinusK

Here’s an example of his rapier wit - Should March 8 be A Day Without Men Day?