Trolls R Us redux [Now the argument clinic]

Thanks for that. My daughter introduced me to the acronym ACAB* a couple of weeks ago, and I was twisting myself into pretzels trying to decode this one. All Females Are Boss?

*(All Cops Are Bastards)

Posting a link to the specific post would insert a link just following it, leading back to this thread, labeling that post Trolls R Us redux. Not justified, IMO.

That’s the puppy. That thread is sort of fun in hindsight, but at the time it was one of umpteen similar whiny threads by him.

More concern trolling:

Velocity mentions the Washington Redskins, then casually brushes past attempting to achieve any understanding of it to move on to the “real” (hypothetical) issue: what if it turned out the world was totally backwards, and it was the majority that felt oppressed in America? Isn’t that the real issue we need to worry about with all these name changes?

I don’t think you nailed what he’s trying to ask exactly, but I agree that Velocity is a concern troll par excellence. Almost all of his threads are him presenting other people’s opinions (never his! He would never agree with that!) and how they should be responded to.

The rest are “(Mundane thing)–is this going to kill me?”

So he’s Yankees_1996_Champs with better English? I can see it.

I’d say a smarter version, but, yeah, basically.

No, he’s the incel robot version

Who? @discobot?

:crystal_ball: My sources say no

Of course you’d try to deny it.

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Shut up.

Now you’ve gone and hurt @discobot’s feelings. :sob:

Good. Maybe it’ll flounce.

No @Velocity

Oh, well that’s not nearly as much fun. Discobot can at least help settle an argument. Watch:

@discobot roll 1d2

Is Velocity an incel? 1 for yes, 2 for no.

:game_die: 1

And there you have it.