Trolls R Us Resurrections

I was one of the one’s in the ‘patient’ camp. I do think something is up with that poster the last 24-72 hours that has a bee in their bonnet. Their posts in the rezzed Jesus/Turin thread were also super snippy - but to me, none of it says troll. It feels like they are pissed about something IRL (NK even possibly) and that they’re frustrated and are taking it out on everybody.

Nothing beyond the scope of the board’s behavior, but one that if it were a close coworker doing it, I’d say “Is there something up? You’ve been on edge all day.” and maybe suggest they take a mental health day / 3 day weekend if possible.

So, binge poster a_dude’s_thought_s has created a new thread about “men’s responsibility to protect women” … and I’m of many thoughts. Going by said poster’s patterns, they blow in, post a lot for a short while and blow out. They have put up weak ‘put upon threads’ as well, but nothing I’d consider traditional trolling.

But the whole pattern feels off. They may just be an attention hog, as they blow in, stir up some interest, and then leave for weeks/months, but seems a lot of effort for such little return, especially with just a few hours total read time for a multi-year account.

Yeah, definitely smells trollish.

I was somewhat tempted to post in that thread but couldn’t see any good coming from it.

Yeah, my trolldar went off when I read that thread about responsibility to protect.

Recall we had someone called A_Dodgy_Dude awhile back, who got banned…

We also had dude_roberts, who posted about flashlights and about what would beat what in a fight.

Seems we have a new alphabetic friend who came out as anti-vax, at least in regards to the COVID vax. They’re in the motorcycle helmet lawyer thread in MPSMIS.

Has anyone ever been banned from an entire forum, say, TQZ?
We might be about to see . . . HISTORY!

Easier, I think, to use a topic ban. Don’t post about vaccines.

We’ve had some bans from GD and/or P&E I believe. But they were months and not forever. Before my time as a mod.

Verified: Thread and Topic Bans for Great Debates

D’Anconia drops a veiled turd into the breaking news thread about the attack on Paul Pelosi. Points out how strong Pelosi is because Pelosi recently survived an accident which totalled two cars (in case we forgot that Pelosi was intoxicated at the time).

There’s also his delightful “Those armed masked men weren’t intimidating anyone” argument in the voting thread.

I’m torn on this thread. I mean, I agree with the premise of the OP. However, I’m also generally a fan of anything that pisses off @UltraVires.

You can have both. The thread probably shouldn’t have been closed, but the pearl-clutching about “oh woe is me where has the board of yesteryear gone?” was outsized. It was closed for a bit, now it’s open again.

When a thread veers into the territory of conversations that are against the rules, (and it was the OP that pretty much took it there), closing it while sorting out the mess was a reasonable option. Leaving a Men’s Rights conversation going was not something I thought should be done but I didn’t have time to sort it all out and was the only GD mod online at the time. The other GD mods didn’t both get back to me after I actually went to sleep.

Weekends are funny that way, Mods have lives too, even me.

It took some work this morning to handle the posts that were in violation. Closing a thread for a day should not have drawn such an over the top response.

No, no it should not have.

I may not have come to the same ultimate conclusion as you,* but I think your reasoning was perfectly sound. And I continue to appreciate the level of transparency that you and the rest of the current crop of mods show.

Per usual, a good chunk of that thread was an excuse to complain about moderation in general and not that decision specifically.

*and I’ll never have to, because I would have to be offered a living wage before ever going back to moderating any kind of online community.

Thanks, appreciated.

Indeed. It gets annoying. Lots of other garbage brought up unrelated to the actions taken.

See that’s…

Now you’ve…

But wait…

Nice bully pulpit you have here in the Pit, since I’m not allowed to tell you what I think.