Trolls R Us Resurrections

It’s always hard to balance, as they are different in both quality and type.

Octo is annoying, sometimes spiteful. Shodan was just hateful and cruel.

But I’ll agree, I’ll take the plushy over the martial artist.

Okay, but again, that’s politics. Has he ever weighed in on something purely for entertainment or idle chitchat? Who he thinks will get MVP of the Super Bowl, or a funny thread title he’d misread, or his favorite rock guitarist, something like that?

Well this was recent:

4 different forums too. I don’t really want to play Defense Attorney for Octopus, but he’s not a troll, he’s just unpopular.

It is possible to be both. He may not be a full-time troll, but he does seem to enjoy stirring the pot when the mood takes him.

That post didn’t go unnoticed.

I haven’t yet ruled out that Octopus is being held captive or that his login got jacked.

There aren’t a lot of other plausible explanations :wink:

Okay, that does revise my opinion of him. Still don’t like him, but at least he’s not a one-note fiddle.

Top Categories


Whoa. How did you do that?

Towards the bottom of the profile pages, the list is there for everyone.

Example, yours is


But how do you link to it like @Max_S did?

I just copy and pasted, I think he did the same.

Cool. Someone do me.



If you are scrolling on your phone, it helps to see this if you’re landscape, not portrait.


Don’t waste time or energy on regretting Clothahump. He was evil. No amount of good posts in Café Society can redeem someone who literally said that if the massacre of 20 or so little kids at Sandy Hook was the price for him being able to keep his guns, he was good with that.

Thanks! Man, I argue a lot.

Worth noting that having the BBQ Pit high on the list of your Top Categories doesn’t really mean anything by itself, and is certainly not an indicator of trollish behaviour or an inclination to berate other posters or anything like that. There are many informative threads in the Pit and many good reasons to post here. The important criterion is not where you post, it’s what you post.

How is that any different from all the people who pretend to care and offer up their thoughts and prayers, but then torpedo any legislation that might help because “muh guns”?

I’m not talking about them. I’m responding to another poster’s regret that a former poster was banned because he was capable of making good posts, and I’m saying that there’s no reason to regret his absence.

Right. You said, “there’s no reason to miss him, he once espoused a common pro-gun view”.