Trolls R Us Resurrections

It seems Discourse uses a limited range of colors for the generics.

It’s still better than a board that’s down half the time.

If it was, I can think of someone that would insist it’s a feature.

Fuck D_Anconia. He’s a lying piece of shit. I don’t know why I bother ever engaging with him, but that’s not a mistake I will make again.

His responses in his own CPS mask thread are just utter bullshit.

Him: The sky is never blue.
Me: Here’s a picture of the blue sky, and a cite from God that the sky is blue. Just say you got it wrong. It’s OK.
Him: I’m not wrong because sometimes it’s cloudy.
Me: <Bangs head against brick wall in order to prevent ever having to deal with his lying bullshit again.>

He should be embarrassed by his own behavior.

RickJay seems to have gone full on fascist. Did not see that coming.

A Randian? Embarrassed?

He seems to be sliding down the far right rabbit hole. He spouts a lot of conservative bullshit as facts.

I didn’t even realize I was seeing that (in Chrome), it’s so small, and the pale blue in this case makes in indecipherable at that size. So I did click to find out. Probably would be a good idea for the poster to type in the poster’s name they are talking about, even though you shouldn’t have to.

When you are managing your own message board, we’ll come and carp at you.

He’s also an open transphobe, so that tracks.

Response from @Temporary_Name to D_Asshole:

I am not going to bite on another one of these. I have a horse I will try to teach to sing before I will try to engage in honest debate with you.


I will. This is the most recent thread in my memory that demonstrates that you are not an honest debater of facts: About that "end of democracy" talk

You asked for evidence of a claim, and that evidence was provided multiple times, in multiple forms and formats, and you rejected or ignored each one. And you were suspended for your trolling. That’s why your reputation here is that of a dishonest troll.

Concern troll is concerned.

Hey, I was first. Well, first today. Probably.

The fire went out shortly after the firefighters got here, so why’d you call them?

RickJay was hardly on my radar until fairly recently. But he has been making more and more stupid posts lately. I really wasn’t sure if he was a troll or just stupid. But his gaslighting and general bullshit in the Canadian freedumb convoy thread have made it clear, he is both REALLY stupid AND a troll. He is starting to sound more and more like mcgiver. Its a toss-up which is more moronic…

I would have disagreed with you until lately, when he tried the old: “Well I never read about the truckers who left Ottawa grouping up outside the city, so…”

A simple google search by several people found the answer to this enigma that had eluded him.

He’s trying for so many “gotcha’s” in that thread, but so far, he keeps grabbing his own balls.

Fucking nonsense.

I have disagreed with RickJay on quite a bit over the decades. Quite a bit. But he is neither a troll, nor stupid, nor a right-wing nut. Mistaken and overly sure of his strongly-voiced opinions at times? IMHO, yes. To the right of me politically? Yep, maybe about as much as former poster John Mace was - i.e. maybe a libertarian-leaning centrist. Which is likely the source of some of my disagreements with him over the years.

But a troll? That’s just bullshit. He may be wrong, but I don’t see any deliberate gaslighting in the Canadian truckers thread at all. Just some strongly worded differences in opinion and not even that many core ones since he seems to think those idiots should have been dispersed early on.

Agreed. And I would hope a moderator isn’t a troll.

His only contention that I can see is that he didn’t think it was necessary to invoke the Emergency Powers Act. I think he also had some misinformation about account freezing that he dropped after being corrected (from what I can tell).

He’s a moderator?