What are key phrases or physical reactions I should key on?
I mean it is a given if they drink, we have to chug. And we have to drink on the phrase “This GREAT NATION,” but what others?
-“Tax and spend”?
-Any president’s name before Clinton mentioned? I mean, if you used George W. You’d be flat on your back before the moderator runs his hand through his hair.
-the states “Alaska,” “Florida,” and “Texas?”
-the colors “Red” and “Blue?”
-the phrase “Prisoner of War” and “Community Organizer?”
-the word “lovely” when used before the words “wife, spouse” or “lobbiest?”
-you must drink from the opposite side of the glass when the word “evil” is used?
If you’re including the VP debate consider drinking every time Biden says “literally” and finish your drink if he uses it to describe something that is not, in fact, literally true.
Every time McCain says he “will not blink”
Every time Obama says “more of the same”
Every time McCain brings up his time as a POW when it’s not related to the subject
You could chug every time Obama pauses to think, and take a drink whenever he uses the phrase “Bush-McCain”. As for McCain, any mention of his experience should merit a drink, and you should chug when he chortles superciliously.