Two Great Tastes That Taste HORRIBLE Together

Do you know of any foods that, by themselves, tastes great, but put together, create an entirely new, disgusting taste?

We all know about orange juice and toothpaste (but that’s not technically two foods together). Put together, horrible taste ensues. There’s only one other combination that I know of that creates a horrible taste- Mountain Dew and real pork rinds (I’m talking pork rinds of the deep south, not the bland, air-puffed pork rinds of the north). Drink Mt. Dew and eat real pork rinds, and there must be some kind of chemical reaction that results, because EEEEEWW, the taste it creates is very disgusting, tasting like neither Mt. Dew nor pork rinds.

Does anybody know of any other two (or more, I guess) foods that, put together, create a whole new horrible taste?

Mint and just about any soda. It’s something I constantly need to watch for, because I frequently have one or the other on my desk and I need to be careful not to mix the tastes.

Chocolate and raw broccoli. Just. . .ick. Yes, I did it on purpose.

There’s always Bailey’s liqueur and lime juice (AKA “The Cement Mixer.”) As a practical joke, have a friend take a shot of Bailey’s, and hold it in his mouth while taking a half shot of Rose’s lime juice. The citrus curdles the cream in the Bailey’s on contact, and your buddy ends up with a nasty mouthful of slimy chunks.


That may be more of a textural thing, though…

What’s always struck me as odd is that companies keep trying mint ‘n’ soda flavors-- thankfully not in the US, but I keep running across mint-tinged variants of normal sodas (mint Sprite, etc.) when looking for import sodas. Similarly, I don’t get why Wrigley has to put mint into every Orbit flavor variation. Raspberry gum? Sounds great! Oh, with mint. Mojito? Mint mojito. Melon? Melon mint.

Close to the orange juice and toothpaste combo: green apples and milk. When I brought a few cases of Moxie back from New Hampshire for everyone to try, that was how a couple of people described the quinine-like aftertaste. Eat a green apple, take a swig of milk.

Here’s an odd one: cranberrry sauce and plain old ice water.

I think citrus and coffee is a bad idea, which is odd when you think how many people combine them at breakfast.

I also don’t like chocolate and citrus together.

Asparagus and artichokes can make a number of things taste weird, including plain water.

Fresh pineapple and champagne.

Add a bit of salt and you call it ‘the girlfriends revenge.’ Or something like that.

Chocolate and yogurt. I might be alone on this but chocolate is one flavor that’s not meant for yogurt.

Bolding mine.

A mojito is traditionally made of five ingredients: rum, sugar (traditionally sugar cane juice), lime, carbonated water and mint. From Wiki’s mojito page. So why not have mint in the gum?

I’ve never tried this, but I wonder if it’s the same thing that happens when I drink Mountain Dew and eat Chicken McNuggets. Somehow, it creates an off flavor that I’d describe as “metallic.” Doesn’t happen with all chicken nuggets, just those from McDonald’s. Maybe it comes from the frying oil?

My old bosses favorite breakfast food was pickle spears dipped in Maple syrup. I tried it and…no, just no.

I normally enjoy Coca Cola. However, after eating any sort of chocolate, a drink of Coke is just…nasty.

Mint and coffee. I know people do it, but I can’t imagine why. Bleeeah.

I know that there are lots of foods out there that don’t taste good together, say eggs and blueberries, as an example. But what I’m looking for are foods that combined together create a whole new horrible taste, like with Max Torque’s chicken nuggets and Mt. Dew, or my pork rinds and Mt. Dew. (Maybe it’s the Dew.)

Circus peanuts and ahi tuna.

I ought to try that some time, it might even make the egg yolk palatable (tart oilyness, yum!) But true there are some tastes that just don’t taste like you’d expect them to, but I’ll try anything.

But I’ll third the Mountain Dew thing. I forget what it combined with that created a whole new horrible taste: it might have been a hunk of cheese. I forget what you combined them with but the final product tasted like Cheetos (which I’m not disgusted with, but it tastes worse than the first two products, the second of which I just can’t remember.)

Orange juice and breakfast/maple syrup. Gah! Sour, sour, sour, which is so weird, because they’re, independently, both so sweet. I always order my fresh squeezed right when we sit down and try to drink it before my pancakes are out, 'cause once they’re at my table, the o.j. is now useless.

You’re not alone. I tried this once. Horrible.