On all other boards using vBulletin software that I have been on, when you post in a thread, the icon to the left of the thread title in each forum will have a check mark in it to let you know you have posted in that thread. I’d like to suggest that that feature be turned ON.
The is more of a question than a suggestion, but is it necessary to have “sticky’s” at the top of the page that are 3 years old or that are outdated? If not, I’d suggest they go bye-bye.
You do NOT want this feature turned on on this board. Trust me. They tried it once and the boards slowed to snail’s pace. Literally. It was awful and everyone complained until they turned it back off again.
The PTB have stated that they will eventually get around to reworking the stickies, but it’s about 283,672[sup]th[/sup] on a long list of Things to Do.
But they’re tradition! And besides, we just got rid of the ones about “loose lips sink ships” and reusing our tin foil.
You may be confusing this with the “subscribe” feature. You can subscribe to a thread (with or without posting), and it will show a checkmark on the list of threads.
No, he’s describing a different feature of vB. It puts a bullet or some other mark on the icon at the left of the thread title for any thread you’ve posted in, whether or not you’ve subscribed.
TubaDiva turned this feature on one day. It slowed the board down from a crawl to a standstill. We’d love to be able to have this feature turned on…but not if it slows the board down that much. Your suggestion has merit, but unfortunately we can’t implement it right now. We’ll probably try it again in the future, but it’s one of those “don’t hold your breath” sort of things.
Generally, a sticky is something that should be at the top of the threads for all time. If we have notices that are time limited, then we’ll put up an announcement, which automatically expires after a set period of time. If you see a sticky that you think is outdated, drop a note to either the mod who put it up, or the mod who’s currently mod of that forum. Please make sure to SDMB in the subject field of your email, and it’s a good idea to copy several mods on the email, as we do things like take vacations, work overtime, and such. Sometimes we also have catastrophic equipment failure, which is always tons of fun.
For the Straight Dope
When a heel comes off one of your jackboots perhaps?
Concerning #1, if your options are set to subscribe to threads you respond to, then a little icon shows up in the forum page after the thread titles. You can subscribe with no e-mail notification if you don’t want a full inbox. Look in your Control Panel for these settings.
This way, you get the visual ref for posted in threads without the board slowing of the other extra feature.
We are, slowly but surely, modifying the stickies at the top of each thread. Our goal is that the stickies in a particular forum should address “Forum Rules” that differ from forum to forum (or that are worth repeating in each forum, for those who don’t read FAQ) and then the occasional topical bit that stays up for a few weeks. We’ve succeeded in doing this in Cafe Society, CoCC, and CoSR; the other forums will be dealt with as we proceed.
We’re also trying to create some FAQ for the entire board, that would handle a lot of the stickies in ATMB that cover multiple forums, technical issues, etc. So, it’s a good suggestion, and it’s underway. Just a li’l slow goin’.