Ugly Incident At the Pittsburgh Airport Last Night

I ask for your indulgence most humbly.

Wifey and I got back Sunday morning from a 7 day Caribbean cruise. It was wonderful. No bat-shit crazy father-in-law to deal with. No issues with the job. No issues with the going-nuts mother-in-law. Wifey and I out of the freakin’ country…no cell phones, no nuttin’. First vacation in over 6 years.

Had to pack and fly out Sunday evening… arrived in Pittsburgh…

I told them I was NOT GOING and they could not MAKE me leave the plane.

Well, they could, and they did, me making claw marks in the nice airplane carpet.

(sigh) Back at work. I wanna go back. Don’t listen to me, I apologize for wasting your time.

You sound to me like a man who could really, really use a vacation.

Yes, thank you for understanding me. :smiley:

What, didn’t they see your Doper name? You *belong *on that plane!

Good thing you’re not a snake!

Believe me, I can completely understand you. I just got back Saturday from almost a week on Bali, with no cell phones or Internet and they had to show up to my door on Monday with crowbars to get be back onto the morning train.

I just got back from Chicago, and I’m glad to be back. The day that $35 for 2 hours of parking seems reasonable to me is a looong way away (with several raises in between).

:smiley: :smiley:

That’s why I scheduled our upcoming vacation so that we come home the Friday before Memorial Day weekend. That way after we get back we still have a long weekend to look forward to and a short workweek when we do go back.

I hate the moment when you walk in the door at home and you realize you’re back and you have all this laundry and unpacking to do and no vacation to look forward to anymore. I almost like the anticipation better than the vacation. You know those ads for Travelocity (or maybe Expedia) that show the people all excited about buying tiny travel bottles of shampoo and stuff? That’s me.

My solution is just to stay on vacation long enough that I’m looking forward to going home by the end. Not that I’m no longer enjoying myself, but where, you know, not living out of a backpack and wearing clothes other than polyester would be nice.