Ultimate match: Peter Griffin v.s. Homer Simpson

I’m putting this here because it’s a poll. If the Mods think it belongs elsewhere, well…they’re the boss. They’ll move it.
Family Guy and The Simpsons. What can you say, huh? 2 of the funniest shows ever! Both familys’ anchored by a complete asshole; drunk, selfish, stupid, crooked, lasy, etc…

So, lets have a bit of fun: who’s a bigger jerk? Catagories to consider are: as a parent, as a husband, as a neighbor, as an employee, as a friend, and as a human being in general.

I’m going to say Peter Griffin. He doesn’t exhibit the sense of guilt that Homer occasionally does. But it’s close. what say you?

Homer used to have moments of compassion; he actually had a conscience, which Peter never did. However, in recent seasons, Homer has just been a prop rather than a character; things just happen around him. If anything, the writers have been making him more and more like Peter Griffin, sacrificing the more interesting parts about him for a forced laugh or two. I think Family Guy does this much better than the Simpsons, though; the Simpsons in its prime could be funny and offensive, but it still had heart. Family Guy has always been just about getting laughs and stretching boundaries. Both were good at what they did.

I am going to have to say Homer is the biggest jerk. I mean Peter Griffin was definitely on his way, but they cut the show short. Shame…
Homer has been doing it for 14 years now. And what makes him the bigger jerk is not only the longer period of time, but also, as was mentioned in the OP, he does have a heart, and he does feel guilty, but never once has that stopped him from doing it again. I think that hands the prize to Homer.

Now it can be argued that each show is in its own universe, and the characters don’t “remember” things from episode to episode, but if you really want to nitpick that, let’s take it to another thread…