Um.... Hi

Hey whats Kickin’…
Well I’m a new member here and I thought this would be a good place to just get with the program and introduce myself . I’ve been viewing the boards for sometime now and I finally got it together to get one of these fake memberships. If I like what I see I may consider departing with some of my hard earned dollars(I’m at work right now so its not actually hard earned but you get the picture.)
Nothing to exciting really to say except I’m currently enrolled at my local community college where I also work in the library. I am dropping out after this semester to relocate and hopefully find something more interesting and cheaper to do.
I’m not to good at talking about my self so I thought I would just say hello and will be happy to answer any other questions you might have.
Oh, one more thing, My friends like to call me the Professor. so if you would like to by all means go right ahead

Welcome Iggy - we look forward to assistance in helping to fight ignorance.

Any special areas of interest, or should that just come out via your posts?

Welcome. Your name rocks.

‘sup n’ shit.

Thanks, Professor. I was wondering – how does one go about making a radio out of a bunch of coconuts?

Glad to have you iggy!

Now fork over that 15 bucks. The hampsters are hungry. :slight_smile:

Don’t really know about coconuts but a friend and I are trying to aquire the means for an FM transmitter. ( BTW I’m at least 10 times cooler than my Gilligan’s Island namesake)
And to you WordMan I also look forward to the fight against ignorance. I’ve been reading the Dope since I was a wee lad. I think I’m going to stick mostly to Cafe Society(where I can complain/argue about music, movies, tv, and books) or the BBQ Pit where I can complain/argue about everything else. I’m not really a complainer, more of a friendly griper(gripper?)
Sup, Parental

But it’s quitting time here at the library so I gotta go. Thanks for the welcome thus far and hope to be seeing everyone real soon

Forgot my period after soon.

You need something to make a diode out of. I notice that the island crew are all clean shaven, so obviously there was a stash of razor blades on the Minnow. Combine this with a pencil (which the skipper probably had to mark things on his charts) and now you have a basic RF detector.

Now you need a speaker. For this you can use a nail and a coil of wire (maybe a bit of wire from the lights on the Minnow). The sound level is going to be pretty low, so stick it inside half a coconut shell to get some ressonance out of the thing so that you can hear it better.

They don’t call me a geek for nothing :smiley:

Thanks, engineer_comp_geek! Now go fix the damn hole in the boat, would’ya! :smiley:

Welcome to the boards iggy or Professor or whatever you want to be called. Let me see…correct spelling and grammar. Coherent posting. I say you’ll go down a treat.

Be welcome. Enjoy your stay.

Missed a period? That can’t be good.

Hey there, iggy. No doubt you’ll hear, from dubious sources, outrageous rumors about “goat initiation rituals” and the like, but don’t believe a word of it. There is only one criterion for becoming a full-fledged Doper. You must answer a single simple question:

Man has visited the deepest part of the world’s oceans, Challenger Deep in the Marianas Trench, only once. In 1960. How long did this visit last?

[Patrick Star] Take your time. [/Patrick Star]

Pssst…Nightwatch, the goat thing happens after he subscribes.

Actually it was twice. Navy Lt. Don Walsh and Jaques Piccard made the dive in a submersible calles the Trieste. The original dive went down to about 18,600ft. A second dive six weeks later is when Walsh and Piccard broke the their original record and descended to 24,000 ft. The dive took 4 hrs and 48 min. Once the descent finished they stayed about 20 min observing and taking data. The ascent took 3hrs and 17min. All this information was gathered from
And if that answer doesn’t cut I guess I’ll have to fall back on good old

Ahah! Wrong!

It was a trick question. The answer was “Belly Jelly Doughnut”
I mean, c’mon. Likes there’s an actual place called the Marianas Trench.

Welcome to the boards!

Welcome, iggy!

The goats and initiation rituals that Nightwatch Trailer mentions are completely fictitious, yup.

:: nods ::

There’s certainly no way that there could be a bizarre injoke regarding the challenge of the deeps, cheerleaders named Mariana, and calamari. It is only a three-hour tour, after all. You’ll be back in no time.

:: nods again ::

Everything is completely normal here.

[sub]Why is it so ominously quiet all of a sudden?[/sub]



Man has visited the deepest part of the world’s oceans, Challenger Deep in the Marianas trench, just once. In 1960. For 20 minutes.

hold me


Are they carried by African or European swallows?