Under the sheets

Anyone want to play under the sheets? Ahh comeon it will be fun…
Just add a song title followed by “Under the sheets.”
Heres mine…

Build Me Up Butter Cup…under the sheets.

“I think it speaks to the duality of man sir.”
(private Joker in Full Metal Jacket)

Bach’s “Air on a G String…Under the Sheets”

You’re Amazing under the sheets!

“Not everybody does it, but everybody should.”
I Spy Ty.

Love Shack… under the sheets

Love bites…under the sheets

Some drink at the fountain of knowledge…others just gargle.

Take On Me (under the sheets)

All Star (under the sheets)

I Know What Boys Like (under the sheets)

Mayor of Snerdville, the home of Mortimer Snerd

“I’m just too much for human existence – I should be animated.”
–Wayne Knight

I Wish I Was A Girl (Under the Sheets)
…ahem… that’s the Counting Crows, in case you were wondering…

Pink Floyd
Wish You Were Here under the sheets.
Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict under the sheets.

I’m gonna stop now, m’kay?

What do I believe in? Not much that can’t be proven by logic and scientific experiment, and you better believe, I want to see the logic and laboratory equipment. --P.J. O’Rourke–

Backwater (Under the sheets)

The World I Know (Under the sheets)

Girls Just Want to Have Fun…Under the Sheets
Give me all your lovin’…Under the Sheets
Sweet Dreams Are Made of This…Under the Sheets
I touch myself…Under the Sheets
Whip It…Under the Sheets

Fun game…I usually play it with Chinese Fortune Cookie sayings.

Boys Don’t Cry…Under the sheets.

Will You Still Love Me…Under the sheets?

She Drives Me Crazy…Under the sheets.

“Teaching without words and work without doing are understood by very few.”
-Tao Te Ching

Eine Kleine Nachtmusik Under The Sheets
The Magic Flute Under The Sheets

that didn’t work…

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Let’s try Rush:
Red Barchetta Under The Sheets
YYZ Under The Sheets
Limelight Under The Sheets

nope, I just don’t get this game. :frowning:

Judges 14:9 - And [Samson] took thereof in his hands, and went on eating, and came to his father and mother, and he gave them, and they did eat: but he told not them that he had taken the honey out of the carcase of the lion.

What is with this? Am I the only one seeing red?

Good Lovin’ … under the sheets
See me, feel me … under the sheets

  • one to annoy MoosieGirl*
    Without you … under the sheets

and one I’m sure to regret thinking of
Me and my Arrow …

Oblio, I laughed my head off.
The one with Arrow worries me, though. :wink:

A few others:

You can leave your hat on under the sheets
I go blind under the sheets
Throwing it all away under the sheets
Fully completely under the sheets
Nothing else matters under the sheets
Bizarre love triangle under the sheets
All I want is you under the sheets
I melt with you under the sheets

Cold Rain and Snow…under the sheets.

Wharf Rat…under the sheets.

Morning Dew…under the sheets.

Dark Star…under the sheets.

Crap. yet ANOTHER game that’s absolutely no fun for us Deadheads.


Don’t speak so fast Uke, how about:

Miracle…under the sheets.

Ripple…under the sheets.

One More Saturday Night…under the sheets.

To name a few…I could go on and on :wink:

“Teaching without words and work without doing are understood by very few.”
-Tao Te Ching

Why sure it is Uke!!!

Truckin…under the sheets

Baby what do you want me to do…under the sheets

Boys in the Barroom…under the sheets

Can’t Come Down…under the sheets

Touch of Grey…under the sheets


I wanna be sedated (under the sheets)
Little earthquakes (under the sheets)
Why can’t I be you (under the sheets)

If you feel that you must suffer, then plan your suffering carefully–as you choose your dreams, as you conceive your ancestors.

Suck under the sheets

Big Me under the sheets

You Don’t Know What it’s Like under the sheets

Take a Picture under the sheets

“What contemptible scoundrel has stolen the cork to my lunch?” --W.C. Fields