Unusual house colors you've seen

Within a mile or two of my place, I’ve noticed a couple of houses with, shall we say, questionable color schemes:

#1: House done in what can only be described as bilious-greenish-yellow, with burnt orange trim.

#2: House done in dark-pee-yellow. I couldn’t even focus on the trim.
#3: A really nice lavendar house with bright white trim. Very cute.

Got more houses you’d like to mention?

Just one color?

Yikes! Is it just me or do the dormers look like critters ready to bite Santa and swallow his reindeer whole?

:eek: That is truly horrifying.

There’s one down the street that’s egg yolk yellow. Pretty. :rolleyes:

But not nearly as good as the hellpit with chipped & flaking mint green paint, a yard landscaped in dirt and a huge boat and Lexus in the driveway. Spend some money on your house, dammit!

When I lived in Kansas City, many years ago, there was a blue, yellow and pink striped house across the street from the mall in Overland Park. It was newly installed vinyl siding. Horizontal strips, It looked like the Easter Bunny lived there.

Oft times, you’ll see oddly colored houses in poor neighborhoods. I could never figure that out. One day, in nursing school I had to make a patient home visit to one.
It was robin egg blue with lavender trim.
After examining and redressing, my patients healing wound, I couldn’t stop myself from asking why the house was those colors. The answer was so simple. It was “oops paint” a dollar a gallon, as opposed to $20 or more a gallon. It amazed me that so much paint was being mis-mixed. On that block alone, there were four “Easter Egg Houses.” My patient told me that what they were called on the street.

Luminous pink?

Um… one of the first Mtv contests was to give away a pink house which went with the John Cougar Mellencamp song.

We have a house in our town that is entirely purple.

About a month ago, the owner was brought into the adult inpatient ward where I work - turns out EVERYTHING she owns is purple. House is all purple INSIDE too. The adult unit painted her room purple, because it seemed to be the only thing that would calm her down.

The strangest house color I ever saw was a house in Dorchester, Massachusetts. The guy had a big two-family house…and he painted it metallic aluminum! He had to special order 20 gallons of aluminum paint from the local hardwar!
Of course, the house stands out…it looks like the zeppelin Hindenhurg crashed into his block!
The guy said there were some positive things: his house stayed cool in the summertime, and the paint never peeled off!

A house around the corner from me is painted in a circus theme. It is pink with diamond and triangle areas of yellow and blue and I think purple, with some round dots also. There was a story in the paper about it…apparently the color scheme was designed by a renowned Romanian (I think) artist and executed by friends of his who were renting the house, with the landlord’s permission. It is easily seen from the highway, and according to the article lots of people would stop by and leave notes about how much they liked it. No one lives there now, and if I get a chance tomorrow I’ll take a picture of it. It is surprisingly attractive after you get used to it, but it it quite a shock.

When I was a little kid, we used to pass a country house on the way to Grandma’s that was completely painted stripe-in-the-middle-of-the-road yellow. The dude had even painted the roof that color, I shit you not. Even the outbuildings were that awful color. Dad said the guy probably worked for the highway department.

The above post reminded me of an old Navy man…retired Chief Petty Officer…his house, garage, doghouse, and every lawn appliance were painted “battleship gray”! Aftert 35 years in the Navy, I guess you get used to gray paint! :eek:

Turquiose with a dark brown roof. Butt ass ugly.

E-mail me an address? I’d like to take a photo too.

That’s the one I was going to mention!

The story I heard (from my mom who worked in a bank near the mall) was that the couple was expecting, and the mom wanted the house painted blue if it was a boy, pink for a girl. They decided to do both, plus yellow for “accent”. That’s probably apocryphal, but fun.

There’s a purple house in Topeka, Kansas too. I am acquainted with the lady who lives there.

She works for the Kansas Rehabilitation Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired. During the summer I do text readings for blind students, so that’s how we met. She explained that when she was taking a cab the drivers would sometimes let her out in the wrong place, and it was difficult for her to describe exactly where the house was. She knows what color is, she wasn’t born blind, so the house got painted purple and so all she has to do is give them the directions, “let me off at the purple house”

Oooh, I really want to see this! I love tacky-yet-pretty things.

You know, one house painted an interesting color is one thing. What’s best is when you have house after house after house painted interesting (and completely clashing) colors.

And that’s why Mexico is such a great country.

You don’t live in Connecticut do you? There is a house in a town where I used to live that was purple. It was hideous. But that wasn’t enough; one day I drove by and saw the owner of the house. She was getting out of a purple car. Wearing a purple sweatsuit. It was like something out of a bad movie.

I wouldn’t do this to my own place, but…it’s not that bad. Just a crazy quilt, but I’d prefer this to the colors that remind me of bodily fluids.

lawoot: A woman who recently retired from my former workplace was always known as The Purple Lady. She wore that color every day and her desk, supplies, etc. were all purple. She went to live in Arkansas. I wonder if she’s going to paint her new cabin that color.

There’s just something about purple.