Upcoming games

We do this every few months and seeing as a slew of awesome games are coming out very soon I figured I’d start up a new thread.

13th: Victoria II A grand strategy game form 1836-1936.

24th:Mafia II Like GTA but from 1945-1970ish. As the name says, you’re trying to make yourself a “made man.”


7th: H.A.W.X. 2. I’m playing the first one now and I’m digging it, although it really pisses me off sometimes. I’m the lead of a three-jet force and they expect me to hold off 20 fighters while protecting a bomber. Jerks. I may pick this one up, depending how much I like the first one.

21st: Civilization 5I’m really looking forward to this one. Along with the first Victoria I’ve wasted hundred of hours of my life on Civ IV, so I’m stoked for the sequel.


12th: Medal of Honor A reboot of the franchise, which is much needed because I’m tired of WWII shooters. This is desperately needed because the Modern Warfare games from Call of Duty have simply dominated the market.


9th: Call of Duty: Black Ops I was at a game store yesterday talking to a clerk and of the game he said, “It’s about an elite unit. When Recon and Delta fail, they send those guys in.” To which I replied, “When all others fail, we don’t. G.I. Joooooe.” I’m a nerd.

16th: Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood I enjoyed the second Assassin’s Creed a lot better than the first one. From what I’ve read the multiplayer should be really fun.

16th: Little Big Planet 2 The first was a very fun game to play and it’s a great family game. One thing I liked best about the first was that it was right up my wife’s alley and instead of me playing hours on a shooter she and I could play together, which made it a lot more fun.

March 2011:

Twisted Metal X
April 2011:

Pokemon Black and White

Of the above I have already pre-ordered Victoria II, Assassin’s Creed, and Medal of Honor. The latter two, if you pre-order you are able to play the beta, although the beta is only for X-box.

In the upcoming weeks I will probably pre-order also Little Big Planet 2.
Of course, all the games are coming out while I’m in school. I get yelled at by my wife because I will play a game straight for days until I beat it.

“You’ve beat the game in only 3 days?!”

I beat Modern Warfare 2 by the time she got home. She was not happy, but I didn’t have to deal with it because I had to go to bed as soon as I finished, as my head hurt way too much.

I’m not looking forward to much this year and that’s good 'cause I still have a backlog of games I want to finish so:

Elemental War Of Magic, Medal of Honor, Civ 5, Formula 1, the next Draogn Age and Mass Effect 2 DLC, Battle Vs Chess, Fallout New Vegas, man this list is growing… And there’s a few titles I want ealry next year too.

Gotta get on with beating Mirror’s edge and Batman:Arkham Asylum.

City of Heroes: Going Rogue launches on the 18th.

I’m on the Xbox so my playlist looks a bit like this

[li]14th Halo: Reach[/li][/ul]

[li]15th Medal of Honor [/li][li]22nd Fallout: New Vegas [/li][li]26th Fable III (gonna borrow this one to BellydanceGirl first, so I can finish Fallout New vegas)[/li][/ul]

and sometime this Autumn
[li]Crysis 2 [/li][li]Max Payne 3 (this game Haunts my dreams and nightmares)[/li][/ul]

I am also watching out for Elemental: Magic of War and Civilization V. Two “just one more turn” games back to back? Oh dear, this is going to be bad for my productivity.

December 31st will see the release of Castlevania: Lord of Shadows, which hopefully will be more than just a God of War clone. Trine 2 is also coming out next year.

Both got pushed back to 2011. Crysis 2 is coming in March. Max Payne doesn’t have a date yet.

Me, I’m waiting for Metroid: Other M on August 31 and Donkey Kong Country Returns sometime this Fall.

Also, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II comes out on 10/26. I loved the first one and this one is looking to be great as well.

Here are some on my list:

Sept 10th - Lord of the Rings Online goes free to play!

Sept 24th - Civilization 5

October 5th - Castlevania, Lord of Shadows. It used to be 31st Dec, but I guess they have brought the date forward.

Torchlight II in spring; will expand on the original like Diablo II did for Diablo.

I’ve already picked up and been horribly disappoined by the first two. Victoria, like all Paradox games (I never learn) was unplayable on release. There’s a lot of potential but as of now it is uninstalled waiting for patches.

Mafia II was thoroughly meh. There was way too much driving. It seemed like every stop on a mission was on the other side of town. If you sped the police would chase after you. If you hit another car a cop would get you for a hit and run. And there’s an average of seven cop cars for every destination you need to get to (I counted). Mafia II also has a really bad habit of putting the mission save points right before you have to walk really slow to an end of an alley and an unskippable cut scene.

I will not be picking up H.A.W.X. 2 as the first one frustrated me. I don’t like games where their idea of making it a challenge means just throwing four times as many enemies for you to defeat by yourself (This was one of my frustrations throughout the entire game. It’s supposed to be a very well off PMC and they can’t afford to send more than 3 planes total against 50+ enemy?)

Off the list, I picked up MODNations racer but I got rid of it. My idea of fun is not for me to be kicking ass an entire race only to constantly be hit by a barrage of weapons right before I get to the finish line every single race. Oh, and it didn’t help that my “crew chief” spends the entire time insulting me. I know it’s petty but it’s annoying.

I’m eagerly waiting for Civ 5 but also Dead Rising 2 since Giant Bomb Podcast talked about the prequel-game you can buy on Xbox now. Has anyone played it?

I have to say I really enjoyed Mafia II as an “Interactive Movie”, but I will say- without risk of spoiling anything- that there’s no point visiting the gunshops or buying wardrobes full of fancy clothes, due to certain story developments. That rather annoyed me, I must say- driving across town to stock up on cool equipment from the gun dealer, buying some snazzy clothes from the store, and… oh dear, that was pointless, wasn’t it?

Still, I remain confident the DLCs will expand the story into a more GTA-like game, as opposed to the Interactive Movie With A Very Large Set that it currently is.

I have such high expectations for Fallout: New Vegas, it’s silly. I fully expect it to have the enormous exploration factor and decent combat of Fallout 3 with the fantastic dialogue and great non-combat gameplay that Obsidian is capable of. I am counting on it to be one of the 3 best games I’ve ever played and will be disappointed when it’s not.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution, coming in February, could be good. The trailer is pretty slick.

I’ve never heard of that game before, but you’re right, the trailer does look really slick.

I’m definitely going to have to keep track of it.

I’d forgotten they were working on that! I’m intrigued.

Also projected for February 2011 (but it’s Valve, so…):

Portal 2 (Trailer)

Which will feature a separate Co-op campaign


Guild Wars 2 is supposed to come out some time in 2011, and while I have my doubts I am looking forward to it.

The new Ace Combat game looks quite excellent. They’ve done away with all the fantasy aspects of it and redid the whole combat system so it’s much less just flying in circles waiting for the cursor to go red then firing off a couple missiles. It looks quite good

You should play the first Deus Ex if you haven’t before. I’m sure you could find it pretty cheap, and just about any computer these days would run it (it runs on my old macbook on the win7 boot) and it’s a truly excellent game.

I’m gonna need a bigger hard drive…

Only game definitely on my horizon is New Vegas. Black Ops might also be there as well, but my gaming time is already taken.

I’ve very concerned about New Vegas. It looks like a great game, but it’s obsidian, and as I’m stuck getting the console version (where there’s no modding community to make up for a dev’s intrinsic failures) that could mean getting stuck with a buggy, incomplete game. I’m taking a wait-and-see approach to it, as Obsidian is always cause for concern. The saving grace is that it’s the same engine as Fallout 3 was, so they’ve had the time and they had everything in place to simply build a story or what-have-you, but still, I’ll read a few reviews before I place an order.

I’m personally looking forward to Fable 3, and possibly picking up Enslaved after the demo got me interested in the story and character interactions, even if the combat system is pretty mediocre.